Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 72 total)
My worst DBA Whoops was when I had copied a productive database to the training environment and somehow forgoten to check the documents share directory in the settings table of...
July 6, 2005 at 6:33 am
Hi Steve
Hope I got this right. So you basically use a statement like this:
select top 5
, o.customerid
, CONVERT(char(10), o.requireddate, 101) as converteddate
from orders o
order by requireddate desc
Which will result in the...
July 6, 2005 at 12:48 am
Hi Jamie
Your script does list the internal ID, but not the ID used in the Jobs section of EM.
July 5, 2005 at 11:55 pm
The correct syntax is:
osql -SWIP-7ADLZFDZW -E -dmaster -Q"sp_msforeachdb @command1='print ?'"
Double quotes around the SQL command line query and single quotes around the @command input.
July 5, 2005 at 12:33 am
Even if you are using a Select CD you stil need to decide which licensing version you want to use. And this normaly is reflected when querying serverproperty(licencetype).
I've got a...
July 4, 2005 at 11:42 pm
Sorry, I forgot to write that autostatistics were already turned on.
Here the results for the sp_dboption on the database itself:
The following options are set: ...
February 18, 2005 at 2:54 am
BOL states that if you don't specify the index in the DBCC SHOWCONTIG command, that it then uses the base index to report results. Your first example queries...
February 17, 2005 at 11:55 pm
Well logically, after looking at my sysperfinfo table, I'd say that your sysperfinfo table is ok. You might not have enough permissions to insert new counters, alerts, etc.
February 17, 2005 at 11:27 pm
Dumbass me... Should have known better:
"If you can't find it online, search for it in BOL".
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction again.
December 13, 2004 at 6:01 am
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.
Same problem here.
Database Maintenance Plans are all failing to run and return the above error...
October 20, 2004 at 2:20 am
We had the same problem as Ross was having. Stopping the replication and rebuilding the transactional replication for the single table didn't work.
At first I tried running the sp_repldone with...
June 28, 2004 at 3:02 am
I mean hey.... No Backup?
I'd fix that "hole" pretty fast.
March 30, 2004 at 4:31 am
March 30, 2004 at 4:18 am
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 72 total)