Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: Installed CTP but can''''t find Management Studio.

    Well, I think I figured that out...

    Turns out the tools were not being installed (perhaps a failed previous installation of SQL Express). Removing SQL Express then adding Client Tools for...

  • RE: convert float to string

    I'm getting this as xml and transforming using xslt. If someone can show me how to do the formatting in xslt that would be cool.

  • RE: VSS support

    I know Visual Studio supports VSS for code, but I'm looking for support for database objects, specifically stored procs. They should be handled exactly like code modules.

  • RE: Getting users domain name

    Perfect - exactly what I need. Thanks!

  • RE: Getting users domain name

    Good morning folks,

    Maybe someone will have an idea for me today!

    For example, could I somehow use the SID in the sysusers table to find out the domain name (without using...

  • RE: Getting users domain name

    Thanks, but the name could be anything I type in when adding the user and is not the actual windows login name.  I need the latter....

  • RE: OPENXML and non-ascii characters

    Answered my own questions after a bit of rtfm (sorry for being so lazy). Didn't know a SP could have ntext as a parameter!!

  • RE: OPENXML and non-ascii characters

    I was too quick there. Using nvarchar fixed the first problem, but now I have halved the possible size of my parameter. My...

  • RE: OPENXML and non-ascii characters

    Yep, nvarchar does it. Thanks


    Never heard of NULLIF but looks just right. Damn, I should slow down a bit. I've got 6 procs to change again.



    As you say - "Life Moves Fast"

    So I've already started adding case statements to all my procs. I had hoped to pass the buck to the business layer programmer but...


    I was hoping that wouldn't be the answer. Wonder why they did it like that - surely specifying a blank tag equates to an unknown value.

    How would I specify NULL...

  • RE: Full Text Search and Noise Words

    OK, I believe I have 3 options. Which of these would be the most efficient:

    1. A proc with a hard coded REPLACE for each of the noise words.

    2. A proc...

  • RE: Full Text Search and Noise Words

    The annoying thing is that FTS throws out the complete search string even if only 1 word is a noise word. This example is in BOL:

    CONTAINS(pr_info, 'between OR king').

    Where are...

  • RE: pivot rows to column

    Cool, we're just in the process of moving to SQL2K and I haven't made the move in my head yet to think of using functions. 'bout time I started I...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)