Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

  • RE: Array Parameter using AND

    Finally, got back to it and your suggestion worked!!! It was very slick!

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!:-D

  • RE: Array Parameter using AND

    that was for test purposes, the (1,2,4,8) comes in as a string. I use a "where-in" clause not the hard code.

  • RE: Array Parameter using AND

    Sorry for not getting back sooner....

    Here's the actual sproc:



    @CountryIDs varchar(max) = NULL,

    @OptionIDs varchar(max) = NULL,

    @SubjectAreaIDs varchar(max) = NULL,

    @LanguageOfInstructionID int = NULL,

    @GPA decimal(4,2)=null,

    @MinLanguagePrerequisiteQrtrs int = null,

    @ClassLevelIDs varchar(MAX) =...

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)