Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: How To Keep Up with SQL Server

    I think this is a really good article. I'm a dev, not a DBA and I read SSC partly to keep up with changes to SqlServer, as well as to...

  • RE: Controlling Alerts

    We had this arrangement in a 24/7 environment. We had started life using a mainframe, and so had operators on site over night. Any new job had to include 'OpIns'...

  • RE: A New Look

    It looks to be formatted to be read on a mobile phone. Like many above this post, I read this on a wide monitor and most of the space is...

  • RE: ALL clause in SQL Server

    I got it wrong because the question in the emailed newsletter is what I was answering, and in the newsletter the sub-select only has one column, and so is valid...

  • RE: Slow SP with date parameters solved.

    Not very scientific, but I found that the first time I ran, the result from the @tableparams was considerably faster when selecting approx 17,000 rows from 682,000, where there is...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)