Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Assign date in VB Script (DTS)

    Plese, verify the data format before convert.

    You can explicit the format for data in convert clause.





  • RE: Enterprise Manager ''''Not Responding''''



    Is this case, try to connect via query analyser and select * from sysprocesses to verify blocked processes.


    In some cases, blocked processes and network activity causes this error message.



  • RE: Trigger Problem

    Do you use a Bulk copy to insert data ?

    If true, I don´t  know if Bulk Insert start a trigger.


    Please , refer Books online.



  • RE: Handling new and old prices



    I concerning with AKM.

    The  best method are create a table for you save a price.

    Use a table like AKM describe. Its a best pratice and you are compliance with...



    I sharing too. The risk we knows.

    I had many problems with kill sessions and the last resource was a reboot or stop and start SQL Server.

    The chance of you corrupt...

  • RE: To know the size of a column...Help

    For detailed informations on select cluause you can use a syscolumns together as sysobjects.

    Lets try.




  • RE: Restore failed, DB loading... loading... crap.



    If your datbase status stayed Loading and you have a log file, apply all logs to full recovery.


    If you dont have logs, retired hint recovery from restore command.




  • RE: Sending mail to many per selected rows



    You can use two attach methods : simple text ou HTML format.

    Yoy may decide what format you´ll are use in parameters passed do cdonts.

    Please, check documentation available in microsoft or...

  • RE: Problem with the view



    When you use right join ou left join , it´s possible that you have resust set with null values.

    To prevent this, youn have to way :


    Use isnull function in the...

  • RE: bulk insert



    Can you post the first line you are using to import via bcp.

    Some problems are related on separator and/or delimitator row.






  • RE: table name as variable in sql

    You´ll need use dynamic sql to processes a query.

    You have Openquery(@sqlStmt)  command or create dymanic sql and exec(@sqlStmt)



  • RE: Transaction Deadlock Error

    One tip:


    Try use hint nolock , if possible.


    You´ll prevent exclusive lock in table.

    Other way , try rowlock hint to minimize locks.



  • RE: Using DISTINCT in a query



    All suggestions works fine.


    But we need know realy what we need.

    For each case we have many solutions, but the best solutions is a least expensive.

    Distinct clause is leats expensive than...

  • RE: Sending mail to many per selected rows



    One tip !!!!


    Try using cdonts.


    Cdonts work better than xp_sendmail and you can improve a format that e-mail send it.



  • RE: Insert/delete with Foreign Key


    Remember that FK is relational integrity enforcement.

    In this case, try to delete all records in child table before try to delete records in parent table.


    Seen in BOL.




Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)