Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Outer Joins

    *= or


    Have been depricated since SQL 2005? long time ago ....

    They were part of MS dialect of T-SQL, not compliant with Standard, so they had to go

  • RE: Fun with qualifiers

    Only when the 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER' is set as 'ON', can this query run successfully, otherwise, it will fail

  • RE: Finding Azure SQL Database

    According to the txt you posted, mytext with myid =3 meets the predicate of the WHERE clause.

  • RE: Restore

    Log back is sequential operations eg one statement at the time.....

    Whereas Diff backup is at data page level, so the later is faster than the former for the same...

  • RE: Restore

    I agree, tail log back is the very first step to take right after the DB crashing, but ONLY IF the log file was still intact.... ie the disk for...

  • RE: Restore

    Theoretically you can use all the log backs after the full backup. But use Diff backup is far more efficient than using a series of log backups.

    After all, that's...

  • RE: Renaming

    In a DB connection string, you can use an ALIEN name for an instance. DNS can resolve it in the domain.... ie the actual server name can be different, sa...

  • RE: Renaming

    Can you add an alien name as 'NASales' to the existing

    instance 'USSales' to achieve the same thing??

    ie users will see instance as 'Sales0\USSales', but it points to the original...

  • RE: Strange Filtered Index Problem

    Nice digging deep into the root cause & thanks for sharing useful info.

    Useroptions DB settings tend to be overlooked some times when optimising code....

  • RE: What are your five most common T-SQL commands


    Restore filelistonly

    Restore/backup database

    Set statistics io/time on


  • RE: Columnstore Indexes

    A columnstore index can be for disk-based tables as well, not just for in-memory table ONLY.

  • RE: Logical File Names

    According to your option list, the 'Modify File' is in Query 3, not 2. So the correct answer is 3.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)