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    hi tis is how i retrieve the record from database to the pull down menu:

    Set rsQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    querySQL = ""

    querySQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Company_Name FROM customer_info ORDER BY Company_Name...

  • RE: single qoute


    why must use

    USE tempdb


    can anyone explain???

    thank you...

  • RE: single qoute


    for the code tat u provide is to put in the insert sql or which part of the code?

    ya i haf problem using replace function when i choose the option...

  • RE: replace function


    i can replace the '&' to 'And' and also for the single quote to 2 single quotes function

    the code below is a pulldown menu that capture those company name inside....

  • RE: replace function


    if i did not put the replace for single quote, the replace for & can work but when two replace functions put together, then onli replace for single quote work...

  • RE: update tables

    hi, which customer_ID do i need to put prefix of the table name to avoid error to occur???? p/s: i try to put prefix at the customer_ID but got errors.


  • RE: update tables

    hi i try to run the sql but it occured some error:

    insert into Newsletter_Details


    customer_ID, NewsletterSubscribe_ID


    select customer_ID, 2

    from ProductOwn_Details pod

    inner join Cust c on pod.customer_ID = c.customer_ID

    where ProductOwn_ID = 1

    and c.country_ID...

  • RE: tables!!!

    for the qoute:

    then if i want to minimise the number of customer by smaller the group how to code that onli taiwan customer need to update the productOwned and newsletter??


  • RE: apostrophe


    i still haf some doubts..

    as i have 3 textfields to differeniate as country code, area code and number but when i put the replace code into all the three...

  • RE: apostrophe

    hi thank alot,

    can u explain why it don't allow ' single quote?

  • RE: update mutiple tables...

    hi i m using one off job to update the database but if i want to minimise the number of customer by smaller the group how to add in one...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)