Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Update with CTE

    Got it mate thanks for your reply.

    What should I do if I want to fail the task if there are duplicates? Do I need to write a separate query to...

  • RE: Update with CTE


    So its using ANY Operator due to which its getting updated with any record.

    What should I do get it updated with a specific record. When there are duplicates we never...

  • RE: Update with CTE

    Thanks for your reply mate.

    Exactly this is what my problem.

    When the source has duplicate ids, how its updating destination.

    How will it know which record to take and update. In...

  • RE: Call powershell in SQL agent job

    Thanks for reply Orlando

    Please find the script here

    USE [msdb]


    /****** Object: Job [CaseMix_Automation] Script Date: 14/05/2015 12:15:10 PM ******/


    DECLARE @ReturnCode INT

    SELECT @ReturnCode = 0

    /****** Object: ...

  • RE: Call powershell in SQL agent job

    Thanks for your reply Orlando

    I created proxies and yes the account can access the folders and files.

    I created proxy for cmd and ran the job from that account and created...

  • RE: Call powershell in SQL agent job


    I am trying to schedule this powershell script but facing issues.

    $cgs ="\\\EPWORTH\data\Workgroups\Power Pivot Testing\Grouper\3M ANDRG GROUPER v2013.1\cgs_console.exe"

    $ip1 = "-input"

    $ipt1 = "-input_template"

    $ipt2 = "\\\EPWORTH\data\Workgroups\Power Pivot Testing\Grouper\templates\ar50in.dic"

    $up1 = "-upload"

    $upt1 = "-upload_template"

    $upt2 =...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)