Viewing 15 posts - 1,201 through 1,215 (of 1,220 total)
There are various task types involved - it is commonly an execute SQL task. The tasks that fail are enabled - there is not logic in the package that...
November 12, 2003 at 12:05 am
I don't know what is wrong with this code. However when I choose to run a DTS package from a stored proc, I use xp_cmdshell to do it.
November 11, 2003 at 11:51 pm
MS does not provide any easy way to do this.
Have a look at "Log Explorer" from Lumigent ( - it is able to do this and...
September 25, 2003 at 12:15 am
I do not get the error (invalid user/password) at all.
When running as local system, I can quite happily get to local shares but not to shares on another server (this...
September 3, 2003 at 11:29 pm
Actually EM does let you start the Snapshot agent. Go to Replication Monitor-->Agents-->Snapshot Agents. You should see each of the snapshot agents listed on the RHS of the...
June 26, 2003 at 10:25 pm
June 12, 2003 at 1:25 am
When you create a linked server, you can make the name of the server anything you want (separately from the actual network name of the server). You can make...
June 2, 2003 at 6:09 pm
Clustering of SQL Server instances is really providing redundancy for the SQL Server instance itself, not the data. Both servers physically are able to access the disks BUT the...
May 6, 2003 at 1:06 am
Use an Execute Process Task to run "NET STOP MSSQLServerOLAPService" and "NET STOP MSSQLServerOLAPService"
February 24, 2003 at 3:29 pm
select stuff
from prospects p1
where p1.eventdate = (select min (p2.eventdate) from prospects p2 where p2.prspct = p1.prspct)
February 5, 2003 at 6:08 pm
Create view RC_SP_SpecEdRPTspan_vw
Oops - missed a bit
SPD.Permnum, SPD.QT1, SPD.QT2, SPD.QT3, SPD.QT4,
SPE.PrgrmNum, SPE.PrgrmDesc,
When SPE.PrgrmNum = 1 Then 'Educación Física Adaptada'
When SPE.PrgrmNum = 2 Then 'Servicios de Habla e Idioma'
February 5, 2003 at 6:00 pm
Try the following instead
Create view RC_SP_SpecEdRPTspan_vw
SPD.Permnum, SPD.QT1, SPD.QT2, SPD.QT3, SPD.QT4,
SPE.PrgrmNum, SPE.PrgrmDesc,
When SPE.PrgrmNum = 1 Then PrgrmDescSPANISH ='Educación Física Adaptada'
When SPE.PrgrmNum = 2 Then PrgrmDescSPANISH ='Servicios de Habla e...
February 5, 2003 at 5:59 pm
Use profiler to look for long running queries. This should give you the SQL that is causing the problem. Once you have the SQL, check out the query...
February 5, 2003 at 5:57 pm
It depends on how you are creating primary keys.
If you are using the identity property to generate primary keys, then you should use 'Yes (Not for Replication)'.
If your application is...
February 5, 2003 at 5:52 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 1,201 through 1,215 (of 1,220 total)