Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 715 total)

  • RE: Approximate Data types

    Nice question, thanx, knew the answer but was not sure, so made some R&D on it.

  • RE: Empty TABLE

    Victor Kirkpatrick (2/13/2015)

    Yeah that was a good one... have never contemplated dropping the only column in a table. Interesting to see the error.


  • RE: SSIS-Transactions

    Definitly learned somthing new today, thanks for the question.

  • RE: What is the "same query"?

    Can anyone think of other cases where unseen characters cause unexpected results? One comes to my mind....

    Yeah, I remember once upon a time a tested piece of code (turned out...

  • RE: What is the "same query"?

    pmadhavapeddi22 (2/11/2015)

    I have checked the rows in sys.syscacheobjects before/after running the selects, found 5 new rows with all the selects mentioned in QOD.

    select * from sys.syscacheobjects where objtype ='adhoc' and...

  • RE: Master Key creation

    Ed Wagner (2/10/2015)

    Thanks for a good question. And if you create it, don't forget to back it up. 😉


  • RE: Signing Procedures

    sestell1 (2/9/2015)

    This comes in quite handy if you want to grant access to a stored procedure that requires some elevated permissions to run, but you don't want to grant those...

  • RE: Login options

    Ed Wagner (2/5/2015)

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (2/5/2015)

    Never created login for asymetric key before, so learned something new.

    Me either. Good question.

    On the contrary 4 me, I knew this one as I...

  • RE: Duplicates

    Raghavendra Mudugal (2/4/2015)

    also my knowledge on understanding "English" is getting better :cool:)

    Congratulations 😀

  • RE: Detaching restrictions

    Gr8 question, thanx.

  • RE: Group By, Count, and NULLs

    Maybe tomorrow QoTD will be:

    COUNT(*) AS MyCount

    And MyCount value will be 2 in this case (*) for the Null rows 😛

  • RE: Simple Selects

    Interesting, thanx.

  • RE: SOME rows

    Never used Some fn b4, thanx for sharing the question & info 🙂

  • RE: Replication Filters

    Thanx, learned somthin new 2day.

  • RE: Distinct Counts

    Hugo Kornelis (1/22/2015)

    Too bad the explanation claims that NULL values are considered with * is used. Using * makes COUNT use rows, not values, and rows cannot be NULL.

    Other then...

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 715 total)