Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 342 total)

  • RE: Select Range Of Date

    I don't understand the whole issue. Seems like using <DATEPART( quarter, <somedate> ) > is going to be helpful. Could you explain more about "then select the start...

  • RE: Deadlocking Problems

    I agree - we never change the transaction isolation level - but just use locking hints. Causes fewer problems with procedure nesting.

    Jeremy - sorry about the incomplete message. ...

  • RE: SPs and OUTPUT parameters

    Spireite - one more habit we have is that all of our stored procedures have a flag "@PrintMe". The default is true for reporting procedures and false for data...

  • RE: Deadlocking Problems

    Jeremy, to me the problem is in your opening statement. The proc starts, sets a flag, the WAITS for another process to run. Since you have two...

  • RE: More NULLs - need help BAD !

    Depends a lot on what you want. If the results are invalid when selecting beyond the beginning of the proper range, Seems like you just have to check. ...

  • RE: One Big Table To Two Smaller Ones

    INSERT INTO Table1

    12 million rows is a lot of data to cut your teeth on .

    Remove the WHERE NOT EXISTS clause from your statements. Since nothing is in the...

  • RE: SPs and OUTPUT parameters

    I used results sets more when interfacing with ASP because I didn't initially learn the ADO objects. Within stored procedures (One calling another) I much prefer the OUTPUT parameters....

  • RE: Check Constraints versus Lookup Tables

    Yes - I do believe that check constraints are faster than foreign key constraints. If you are submitting through a stored procedure, it is even faster to just test...

  • RE: One Big Table To Two Smaller Ones

    You are almost there already. Now that you have created the tables, you can

    INSERT INTO Table1

    SELECT DISTINCT DID,origination, servicetype, serviceloc, servicecon, servicename, host

    FROM <OriginalTable> (NOLOCK)


  • RE: Scientific Number Format

    Inside the SQL code you could CONVERT( NUMERIC( 6,2), value ) as Name

    Or both ASP and Crystal Reports have the ability format the output (although I imagine you are looking...

  • RE: Database Doesn't Exist

    Not sure - but try changing the single quotes to double

    Initial Catalog=""FoodMart 2000"""


  • RE: Multiple TOPs

    You might try this - it's not real efficient, but is fairly straightforward.

    SELECT T2.StoreID, T2.DeptID, T2.AmtSpent

    from total_spending T2 (NOLOCK)

    where ( SELECT COUNT(*) From total_spending T1 (NOLOCK)


  • RE: Improving COUNT(*) performance

    You might consider splitting this into two with C1.FEIN LIKE @Fein - the other with C1.FEIN IS NULL.

    I have found the OR condition to be the root of many...

  • RE: Slow Server performance

    There are so many things that affect are just a few suggestions.

    -Check indexes. Since the routines were quick at the beginning but slow now - that hints at...

  • RE: Managing development, test, and production databas

    It is often hard to get management to spring for an extra environment. Our error reduced drastically when we convinced them to get a beta environment. We would...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 342 total)