Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 342 total)

  • RE: MDF & LDF Files dates


    I assume you mean the modification date. If you look at the properties of the file, the create date will remain the same. It makes sense that the...

  • RE: A SQL question

    Here is an example...but I would take a look at why this is needed and see if perhaps there is not another way to handle this issue.

    create table TestMe (


  • RE: Application Notification

    You could use either windows messaging or .NET remoting in the VB app. The SQL trigger could perform xp_cmdshell to a program with enough parameters to know the message...

  • RE: Test Data

    You might consider using bcp with a query to extract data from the tables with too much volume. You could transfer all configuration and master information with DTS to...

  • RE: error handling

    We RETURN the error code from each procedure. You might trap the errors in something like this

    EXEC @errorcode = OtherStoredProc ...

    SET @procErr = @@ERROR

    IF @procErr <> 0...

  • RE: Exclusive row locks

    It's quite an issue to have a lock if there is user interaction required before the commit or rollback. I would suggest that you consider a synchronization routine at...

  • RE: FIL lock on SQL Server 7

    We had a similar problem when one of our applications was written with a long query and the results were being displayed in a grid. In our case, the...

  • RE: Text file into a Varchar column

    Thanks Jay - sometimes I forget about cmdshell options.

    Gary - Thanks to you also. Unfortunately, in this case the procedure is a template that will not compile by itself.



  • RE: 3 resultsets in a sp. How can I choose one?

    There are two things you might try... First, instead of

    SELECT name...



    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE Name = 'Cadconsumo' AND Type = 'U' )


  • RE: Removing Duplicates

    OK - help me understand. If you just change the order of the column list, do you not get the information?

    SELECT MIN(ID) as ID, Name

    FROM <table>

    GROUP BY...

  • RE: not inquery help

    Other than the typoe of using temp3 instead of temp2 (or vice versa ), I don't see anything wrong. Have you displayed the contents of both...

  • RE: Removing Duplicates

    SELECT Name, MIN( ID )

    FROM <table>

    GROUP BY Name


  • RE: Export to a text file

    I don't know how directly - unless you have the stored procedure call xp_cmdShell with a bcp argument.


  • RE: Annual Tables

    Nothing wrong with tables being named for the year in my mind. The real question I would have is ... why rename? Seems like another table should be...

  • RE: DateDiff function

    Trouble is, DATEDIFF( YY (or YEAR) ... just executes a DATEPART( YEAR, <second date> - DATEPART( YEAR, <first date> )

    You may want to check a DATEDIFF( MONTH,... which is more...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 342 total)