Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Join Two CSV Files with a Common Column

    corey lawson - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 11:03 PM

    Jeff Moden - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 10:32 PM

  • RE: Join Two CSV Files with a Common Column

    vl1969-734655 - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:51 AM

    well if you never needed the ini, than how did your data got processed?
    I have found that...

  • RE: quotation and punctuation in sql server


    To address your original question, each single quotation mark within a string must be preceded with the single quote literal marker:

    SELECT 'Giro d''Italia'


    SELECT 'This is an empty string: '''''



    Giro d'Italia


  • RE: Multiple Rows in One Resultset


    The SUM() function is another option that may be applicable. Compare the MAX() function to the SUM() function (note I have changed the VALUES in the fourth insert to demonstrate...

  • RE: CASE Statement not working


    I generally try to avoid using case statements in joins. Instead, I prefer to build the join criteria as a series of OR conditions. Try the following construction in place...

  • RE: stairway to T-SQL DML Level 10: Changing Data with the UPDATE Statement

    Early in the article you mention the benefit of creating a SELECT statement to preview the rows that will be updated. Here is a useful form for previewing the changes:


  • RE: Replace Cursor with CTE

    Thanks! That worked with only a couple of minor changes:

    SQL Kiwi (5/25/2012)

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) =



    N'DROP VIEW'...

  • RE: Excel in the Clouds

    Excel rocks for data analysis, but it does have some irritating quirks, particularly when working with csv files. I frequently receive customer data in csv format that contains leading zeros...

  • RE: Removing a Server name from MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008 'Connect to Server' Drop-down list

    The SqlStudio.bin file associated with SSMS 2008 appears to contain user preferences. I recommend renaming this file instead of deleting it.

  • RE: Getting Colorful


    Software that shouldn't work but does, usually a result of spaghetti-coding and/or piecemeal coding.

  • RE: Import Excel Spreadsheet to Database Tables

    The program that creates the dBase file is a canned student information system that utilizes dBase for data storage. The system does not provide any tools for working with the...

  • RE: Import Excel Spreadsheet to Database Tables

    This may be a little off-topic, but is there a way to convert dBase files to xml for import into SQL Server 2008 (64-bit) tables?

  • RE: SQL Server Service Manager

    The SQL Server 2000 installation routine creates a registry entry for launching SQL Server Service Manager (minimized to system tray) at startup:



    String Value:

    Service Manager = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqlmangr.exe" /n


  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql

    The syntax for the 'RubbishDays2008_Property.dbf' file should be:

    select *

    into test

    from openrowset('msdasql', 'driver={microsoft dbase driver (*.dbf)};dbq=c:\directory\', 'select * from RubbishDays2008_Property')

    Replace 'dbq:=c:\directory\' with the appropriate path where the 'RubbishDays2008_Property.dbf' file is stored.


  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql

    With a 32-bit SQL Server installation, you can use the Microsoft dBase Driver through the MSDASQL provider:

    select *

    into <tablename>

    from openrowset('msdasql', 'driver={microsoft dbase driver (*.dbf)};dbq=c:\', 'select * from filename')

    You just need...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)