Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 121 through 133 (of 133 total)

  • RE: Access thru views

    Seems like you are trying to answer the wrong question, really.

    But yes, Linked Server Performance is known to be poor. Honestly I don't understand all the underlying reasons but...

  • RE: Permissions issue.

    The users may be orphaned - did you recently restore the database from a backup?

    Run this query -

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'

    If the logins show up on the list, run


  • RE: SQL is slow

    Craig's sql statement is cleaner - do something like what he wrote.

  • RE: SQL is slow

    That update looks very RBAR to me (google RBAR if you are not familiar with the term).

    Not knowing much about the guts of what you are actually trying to...

  • RE: Server stops accepting connections and must be killed

    How big is the partition that tempdb is on? What does your sysprocesses table look like when the cpu starts spiking ( as in, do you see one spid absorbing...

  • RE: PLEASE help -- Can't connect to report service thru Management Studio

    Just another avenue, kinda basic but haven't seen anything to the effect that you have done this yet, you might wanna verify - are you sure you dont have a...

  • RE: How to free table space

    Yea, the drop/create table is brutal... however what about drop/creating all the indexes if they won't shrink? if the table has 0 rows that seems like a pretty safe option,...

  • RE: How to free table space

    You could do a DBCC shrinkdb... but that would be a database-wide shrink which may not be desirable.

    You could also drop/create table...

  • RE: Anyone have a suggestion for a good book on SSRS "Report Models"

    Not a book, but an excellent resource nonetheless -

  • RE: Phone number validation UDF

    Why not just remove all "(", ")" and "-" characters, similar to

    REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(phone_number, '(', ''), ')', ''), '-', '')

    And then maybe do an additional check like ISNUMERIC(),

    Then if the validation...

  • RE: Design

    Where is the option for violating the rule "Don't attempt to cram 10 table's worth of entities and attributes into 1..."

  • RE: Partition of tables with 1M records

    Perhaps you aren't looking for someone to ask this, but why are you thinking of partitioning? Are you having performance problems? Do you have slow running queries?

    My thoughts on...

  • RE: Isolation Levels

    Ah, tricky question. The gotcha is the "User-defined function" element. If I had read it twice over, I may have gotten it right 😀

Viewing 13 posts - 121 through 133 (of 133 total)