Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)

  • RE: Frustration with Bad Design

    I would not Describe Edward Snowden as a hero - anyone who flies off to countries like RUssia and China with flash drives full of his countries espoinage secrets is...

  • RE: Developers vs. DBAs

    No Gary - that's how things are - when you roll out changes you by their nature de-stabilise a system , ususally there is a good reason for doing so...

  • RE: Developers vs. DBAs

    the problem is that the two are fundementally at odds - DBA promote stability and reliability , developers promote "Constructive destabilisaton"

  • RE: Byte Me: Tablet Computing

    "what will they think of next"

    - Bureaucracy ! that's what

  • RE: Advice for Newcomers

    I agree with the comment on "celebrities" but it isn't confined to 12 year olds - speaking from the UK persepctive it looks like we have embraced a "mayfly"...

  • RE: The Perfect Environment

    I agree with djackson - it often seems that third party vendors allocate their budgets as follows - 75% sales 20% developemnt and (if you are lucky) 5% support...

  • RE: The Cloud of Destiny

    In the end what is the cloud? inernal clouds may have an advantage in consolidating hardware costs etc but the public cloud is just the latest incarnation in the hosted...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Typed in a hurry - is that the best you can do?

  • RE: Union Benefits

    so thise in the public sector boasting of their benefiots remember .. All paid for by the hard-working Private sector worker that doesn't jave a cushy final-salay pension to look...

  • RE: When Is Work, Work?

    Morning David

    This must be a very American attitude - even the SME I started my career in offered paid training (although that was more as an incentive to stay as...

  • RE: When Is Work, Work?

    "It's also a young person's game. Once you have a family, not sure you can make those trade offs and feel good about it. "

    Sorry - but I take exception...

  • RE: Fear Fear

    I think that there is a difference between the first set of issues (developer access, backup failure etc) and not maintaining a current patch level.

    Its like most things, down...

  • RE: Most important DBA Skill?

    I Know - the "Sheldon Cooper" syndrome - even worse when you are a Junior DBA and he is senior

  • RE: Insensitivity: A Good Technique?

    Treat others as you yourself would wish to be treated - a Biblical value that is timeless / cluture independent and works - beats psychobabble any day

  • RE: setting up Clustering - SQL Server 2008 R2

    Thanks Dan, very much appreciated

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)