Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 63 total)

  • RE: Report Manager strange behavior - disappearing parameter on multi-value

    This problem happened on two out of three servers. Once I moved the parameter to be the last (after the dates), the problem disappears, it seems.

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    The stored proc ends up creating a table of data that populates a report (is a data source for a Crystal report). So I can't do



    GRANT EXEC ON TransHistoryAccount20091016_pr TO...

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    When I actually run the stored proc (to get data), then I have public in the Users or Roles section of the Permissions window. In the Explicit permissions for publick:


  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    There's only one procedure with that name. When I right-click on it and go to Permissions, there are no Users or Roles in the top and no Explicit Permissions in...

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    Yes I tried it (db_owner) and the sys admin tried it. It doesn't work for either of us.

    I'm doing it in a dev environment and when I look at the...

  • RE: improving performance of stored procedure

    Sorry for the inconsistency. Lawson has two tables: GLAMOUNTS and GLUNITS that are not normalized and since its a Lawson table (with thousands of installations), I don't see the table...

  • RE: improving performance of stored procedure

    I tried it--the 2005 and the 2000 version. Could not get either to work. I can see the plan in the bottom window when I turn on Include Actual Execution...

  • RE: improving performance of stored procedure

    I knew it was a ton of code, but they asked...

    And just going through Gail's steps provided some answers.

    Running the sp for 9487 rows took 54 seconds. The users...

  • RE: improving performance of stored procedure

    Here's some sample code. I'll look at the execution plan next. Thanks!

    --------send below code to forum

    -------this is code to create data similar to what exists in dbo.GLUnits

    -------which is in the...

  • RE: The Oscars

    I Am Legend with Will Smith was VERY good too. Not for kids probably. Post apocalyptic kind of show but good.

  • RE: The Oscars

    Slumdog Millionaire sounds like a downer and it has its sad, brutal parts. But it is also uplifting and one of the best movies I've seen. Milk was good--I enjoyed...

  • RE: problem with temp table losing its order

    If I try to put a name in WITH (INDEX(IX_TransHist_AccountID_Date))

    Msg 308, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Trans_History3_Crystal_Account_pr, Line 1289

    Index 'IX_TransHist_AccountID_Date' on table '#nisse' (specified in the FROM clause) does not...

  • RE: problem with temp table losing its order

    I'm sorry. I tried using the primary index only and WITH (INDEX(0)) (see numbers in the screen shot).

    The reason it looks commented out is that that didn't work, I...

  • RE: problem with temp table losing its order

    I've obviously been trying things since I created that data, but I think this is how the code was at that time.

    ALTER TABLE #nisse ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Account, sub_account,Acct_unit,...

  • RE: problem with temp table losing its order

    A picture's worth a thousand words--I've attached one. This is using a primary key only (account/acct_unit/sub_account...).

    The BegBal and RunBal were the first ones I did and seem to be okay--nothing...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 63 total)