Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
Check out the BOL on expanding hierarchies. There is a procedure for expanding trees.
Another way is to store information about the level in the hierarchy in the table and...
May 28, 2004 at 9:24 am
Text, ntext and image columns cannot be referenced in the inserted or deleted tables when using a (normal) AFTER trigger. However they are allowed in a INSTEAD OF trigger, which...
May 28, 2004 at 9:12 am
Maybe not a direct answer to your question but I've used this construction
SELECT field1,field2,field3
(SELECT field1, field2, field3, 1 as mask FROM Table1
SELECT field1, field2,...
September 24, 2003 at 1:20 am
Try to remove the # before inserted and deleted tables.
July 29, 2003 at 1:24 am
July 28, 2003 at 5:45 am
It should not work (depending on what your data look like;-) since 123 in DataPaqMFG will be matched against 00123 and 02123 in products.
July 25, 2003 at 8:12 am
Is the column len fixed in table a?
If so then you could construct the join like this:
FROM TableA a
LEFT JOIN TableB b ON a.col...
July 25, 2003 at 7:56 am
Hi I see three alternatives depending on your requirements on speed/data-integrity.
Alternative 1.
If you are using MSSQL2K then you could create a user defined function to strip leading zeroes. (See BOL...
July 25, 2003 at 7:33 am
I think I found the problem.
The database was set to grow with 2 GB. The server is brand new and the disks are empty. Also the disks are (surprisingly)...
January 21, 2003 at 7:32 am
Yes, I have checked all settings (that I know of) and they are the same (I will doublecheck them, especially the timeout on the connection).
Databaseproperties, serverproperties, connectionproperties, MDAC-version, servicepacks...
January 21, 2003 at 6:02 am
Hi again.
I don't think this problem has is an edition issue but I still would like to know if there is a page out there that shows the differences between...
January 21, 2003 at 3:53 am
If it is columnnames you want then check Query Analyzer for SQL2K.
Right-click on a table (or stored proc) in objectbrowser. This brings up a menu from where you can...
January 16, 2003 at 6:31 am
You could create a COM-object which logs in as dbo and then truncates the table. Then call the COM from a stored procedure (see sp_OACreate, sp_OAMethod...).
This way you can keep...
January 16, 2003 at 1:37 am
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)