Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 596 total)

  • RE: dbo to add rolemember???

    Just a thought if your company wrote/controls the application source code. This functionality could be added to a screen so that authorized people could add users (which adds them...

  • RE: SQLEM - Save Me From Myself

    SQLEM is not designed for repeatable safe processes. I know you said you don't want a "Don't Use SQLEM kind of answer" but if you use SQLEM for copying...

  • RE: Removing the guest account from the MSDB database

    I have removed guest from MSDB on all servers excecpt one. On this one a third party application is running that submits jobs on the user's behalf and it...

  • RE: Error Using IDENTITY column in SP

    What if you removed the BEGIN TRAN and allowed SQL Server to commit prior to the update. Or at least moved the BEGIN TRAN after the DROP TABLE statement?


  • RE: dbo to add rolemember???

    Randy's idea is interesting. Although ultimately I don't think the db fixed roles are very useful within the context of an application. They are fine for administration but...

  • RE: Error Using IDENTITY column in SP


    I noticed the UPDATE refers to prcore.dbo.blpu_load while the INSERT refers to the unqualified blpu_load. When you execute the stored proc check you are pointing to right db...

  • RE: dbo to add rolemember???

    This sounded ok to me so I tried it and got the same error you did,

    I then created my own role and found I could add members to my role....

  • RE: dev's using sa on production - help

    Not a good situation.

    You need to take control. Restricting the use of 'sa' is a question of security, especially with multiple people using the account. If you audit your...

  • RE: Query Analyzer Replacement

    Is security set up so that users have write access to the actual tables? (db_datawriter or db_owner) If so can this be changed so that all write access id...

  • RE: Replace doing funny things

    The different behavior has to do with the different collation sequences. To see what the collations you defined are run:

    SELECT * FROM ::fn_helpcollations ()

    WHERE name = 'Latin1_General_CI_AS'...

  • RE: getdate() not working?

    Look at the table definition (from Enterprise Manager, right click on the table, select aALll tasks, Generate SQL Script. Make sure the id field is like:

    CategoryID int IDENTITY (1,...

  • RE: ODBC Connection

    I assume you mean that the drop down box on the ODBC data source administrator called "Which SQL Server do you want to connect to?" isn't showing the SQL...

  • RE: Database connection information

    Yes Jennifer, we often have ids that only have read permission, while others can read /write. The best idea is that no one but the DBA has access to...

  • RE: Searching for Object/Row

    Matt1: Its hard to know what you want because you are not using the correct terms. I assume when you say "binid is the row name" you...

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 596 total)