Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: what does return from a CRUD store procedure

    ok, i understand you.

    I have poor experience in sql server, so i want to know

    if my stored procedure works?

    Because i have a doubt about how to return sometimes a...

  • RE: what does return from a CRUD store procedure

    ok, basically i have a store procedure and it receive some parameters, ok.

    Now i have 4 IF's, and in everyone have Insert, Select, Delete ....

    and for example if the parameter...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...

    >>Heh... No matter where it's done, I'll still like to know why the BA thinks >>that listing an unknown number hospital rooms horizontally is the right thing >>to do on...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...


    I thik that the better is do all in the front end, just to receive data from sql server and manipulate them in the winform in the grid view.

    I apreciate...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...

    Hello Garadin,

    here the answers

    >>Where are you getting the information on what the status of each room is? It's not in this query. Do you already have another way...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...

    ok Jeff,

    i here go:

    the business basically is identify the state for each room into

    an hospital.

    Each state can be: cleaninig, available, occupied, reserved and out of service.

    And i need show in...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...

    Hello Jeff,

    yes, you question is good, but, that´s ins´t important, because

    the query must bring the same answer, just will bring some columns

    more, well, i think so...

    Jeff, by the way, the...

  • RE: Convert Rows to columns so...

    Hello Jeff,

    the business is about the rooms in a hospital,

    so i need show a grid in a winform c# that would be


    this is the table


    idRoom vcRoom


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)