Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 172 total)

  • RE: Returning a Cursor from a SP

    Hello. Based on your post you could take it a step further and create a temporary table instead of a cursor and use a function to assign the appropriate...

  • RE: Script to Create 100 Databases

    Whoops. I forgot to substitute @DataSize and @LogSize. Those lines should be:

    'size = ' + @DataSize + ')' +

    'size = ' + @LogSize + ')' +


  • RE: Script to Create 100 Databases

    Hello. This should get you on your way. The key to this solution is to create a CURSOR.







    SELECT DatabaseName, DataSize, LogSize


  • RE: Need to delete first character of a string

    This example uses 788, 567, and 577 instead of N,S,E,W. Replace 4 & -4 with 2 & -2, and 5 with 3.

    USE pubs

    SELECT stor_address,

    CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(stor_address,0,4) IN('788','567','577')...

  • RE: order by in a Union, use derived table?


    That should work, but you don't need to nest it this way. Try placing the ORDER BY clause after the second statement. Here's an example:

    USE Northwind


  • RE: DTS Package Hanging

    Hello. You can use sp_update_jobschedule (@enabled property) to enable or disable a job.

  • RE: Exchange 5.5 /2000


    We were looking in to this and had decided to use ADO 1.21 with Exchange 5.5.

    However, before implementing it we moved to Exchange 6.0, started using XML, and...

  • RE: DTS Package Hanging

    Hello. Take a look at sysjobhistory in the msdb database. I've never used it but between run_date, run_status & run_duration you can probably put something together (ex: run...

  • RE: Query analyzer messages tabs output

    Ah. Cool question, is there a simpler way than: saving the result and then importing it. I hope someone has an idea.

    P.S. the save message tab information...

  • RE: Capturing Error in DTS package

    The comments should tell you. Here's an example:

    JOB RUN:'*JobName*' was run on 10/31/2002 at 4:48:00 AM

    DURATION:0 hours, 1 minutes, 36 seconds

    STATUS: Failed

    MESSAGES:The job failed. The Job was invoked...

  • RE: creating word document

    There was a good example of how to use sp_oa recently. The code was for a spreadsheet but the author did a top rate job. Here's the link:...

  • RE: Capturing Error in DTS package

    For me, I have the job on failure report the last step run to me via e-mail (and to the log). When I need to know where in a...

  • RE: Deleting a filegroup

    I believe you can use the ALTER DATABASE command to delete files. BOL has a long section on this command.

  • RE: Query analyzer messages tabs output

    Groan. @v-2 should be @TestString and ... sorry about using the phrase 'bit by bit'

  • RE: Query analyzer messages tabs output

    I have a bad feeling that I'm still not seeing what you want.

    My quick answer is yes

    declare @TestString varchar(250)

    set @v-2 = 'set statistics time on '...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 172 total)