Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 166 through 172 (of 172 total)

  • RE: Setting priority of a SQL job

    I don't have any experience using this so buyer beware... sp_add_jobstep has the property @os_run_priority which uses the priority system of -15 through 15. It's undocumented, I wonder if...

  • RE: How does sql mail and VB work together?

    I believe the developer is talking about xp_sendmail. It could be used by calling a stored procedure or if data is manipulated then by a trigger.

    If the procedure does...

  • RE: How to find the DTS Name

    I believe the creating new jobs strategy would fail since a different encryption line is generated each time. Also, the sysdtspacakges table versionid field does identify the package but...

  • RE: Memory Usage is Zero

    I just ran a sproc guaranteed to delivery a hit and nothing showed up in 'Process Info'. Try using Performance Monitor instead. A good article to get started...

  • RE: DBCC checkdb

    I just killed the process in Query Analyzer with no problem. Have you tried killing the Process?

    Query cancelled by User

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Operation canceled

  • RE: Sending Attachment with Cdosys

    Doh! Never mind, didn't have SMTP Service installed.

  • RE: Sending Attachment with Cdosys

    This looks really exciting (being able to use BCC: would be great) but I'm having a basic issue with running it. I'm receiving the following error code:

    Invalid class string...

Viewing 7 posts - 166 through 172 (of 172 total)