Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: How to have the DTS replaces the original rows in excel?


    the best way - in my opinion - is to drop the table in the XLS file and then to create the table (statement can be copied from the transform...

  • RE: What is the best meathod of Importing Excel files.


    you can also add the Excel file as a linked server:

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'EXCELSOURCE',





       'Excel 5.0'


    select *

    into XLS_Import_Table

    from EXCELSOURCE...[Sheet1$]

    sp_dropserver 'EXCELSOURCE', 'droplogins'



  • RE: Transfer AS400-->SQL Server with dynamic table names


    you can run an Active X script prior to the execution of the data pump to change the table name.



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    ' Replace the Placeholder ##Supplier##...

  • RE: Anyone using an ETL tool besides DTS?

    We are using the ETL tool from Cognos called "Decision Stream". It is quite expensive, but pretty good in tracking so called slowly changing dimension.

    It is easy to use and...

  • RE: Script to wait for file to start executing package. Event based Triggering.


    you can also use this simple T-SQL statement:

    declare @result int

    exec @result = xp_cmdshell 'del d:\path\done.txt'

    while (@result = 1) begin

       waitfor delay '00:01:00'

       exec @result = xp_cmdshell 'del d:\path\done.txt'


    You can set...

  • RE: Naming a File and E-mailing Using DTS

    Try this one:

    declare @outfile varchar(255)

    declare @cmdshell varchar(255)

    declare @msgsubject varchar(255)

    set @outfile = 'd:\path\QryResult_' + convert(varchar(6), getdate(), 12) + '.asc'

    set @cmdshell = 'rename d:\path\yourfile.asc ' + @outfile

    exec xp_cmdshell...

  • RE: Zipping a file

    I had the same problem when I executed a DTS package from a DTS package. The outer package terminated succesfully even when the inner package created an error.

    The solution to...

  • RE: Zipping a file

    Use something like that:

    EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell @cmdshell
    IF (@result = 0)
    PRINT 'Success'
    PRINT 'Failure'

    I tried this with WZZIP and wrong file...

  • RE: Zipping a file

    The variables for the files have to contain the complete file name including the path.


  • RE: Looping through a table in DTS

    Declare a cursor and use the fetch next statement.


  • RE: Zipping a file


    This seems to work perfectly. Would there be an advantage installing the command line version. I found a link for this at...

  • RE: Zipping a file

    you have to install the command line tool of WINZIP first. Then try

    declare @xlsfile varchar(255), @zipfile varchar(255), @cmdshell varchar(255)
    set @xlsfile = 'your xls file'
    set @zipfile =...
  • RE: From MSSQL to Exchange


    I transfered data from a SQL Server to an Exchange server by exporting the table to Excel an then I wrote a VBA script in Outlook to import the fields...

  • RE: Using POP3 for E-mail Integration

    As our Exchanger server and our SQL server are running under different domains we set up the Exchange mailbox as POP3 and SMTP account in the MAPI profile connected via...

  • RE: Linked Server to DB2


    I also had some problems to set-up an AS/400 as a linked server with SQL server 2k.

    But finally we were successful with the Client Access ODBC driver for iSeries (latest...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)