Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 44 total)

  • RE: Database email

    I am using SQL 2008

    my email use to work but my pc crashed and had to redo it and know I can not get email to work but everything else...

  • RE: email question

    maybe I figured it out I was using port 25 instead of 587.

  • RE: email question

    yes but when I go into the sql server log it get the mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. etc

  • RE: SQL Question

    I want to set up a web server so I can use Dreamweaver to create pages to connect to my Sql 2008 Server on an xp machine

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    ok will have to refresh my self on php.

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    ok. where I work not all people know how to write tsql code and if they mess up the tsql they do not know how to fix it is why...

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    I have a proc called IT.InsertWorkRequestProc I right click on it and tell it to execute and it brings up a execute proc window for me to enter the information...

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    sorry for not explaining very well. I have a proc when I right click on it it brings up a execute proc I enter the information in it and hit...

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    Is there away after it has ran get it to reopen so you can insert the information using the proc without having to right click on it and telling it...

  • RE: send attachment in email

    I knew it was something i was overlooking.


  • RE: check birthdate

    It lets me insert into the tables but if I enter birthday of 1955-10-17 it should give me an error saying this is not a juvenile and not insert into...

  • RE: check birthdate

    ok thanks I will try that

  • RE: check birthdate

    still getting error

    Msg 50000, Level 11, State 1, Procedure AddJuvenileMember, Line 103

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= ,...

  • RE: check birthdate

    (1 row(s) affected)

    here is the Proc

    use master


    set ansi_nulls on


    set quoted_identifier on



    ------Author: <Eddie Hall>

    ------CreatedDate <10/04/2012>

    ------Description: <Create Juvenile, insert into juvenile, First Name>


    alter Proc Dbo.AddJuvenileMember

    @lastname varchar(15) = null,

    @firstName varchar(15) = null,

    @middleInitial char(1)...

  • RE: check birthdate

    i get this error

    Msg 50000, Level 11, State 1, Procedure AddJuvenileMember, Line 98

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 44 total)