Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 530 total)

  • RE: What If You Took Another Path In Life…

    They have tables at home depot or 2 by 4's for them as well... I"m not sure where the stored procedure saw row...

  • RE: Better Secure This Data

    Your bank account and health information are only at risk because of the systems in place to make them accessable through remote technogical means. 

    If your files were stored on...

  • RE: Why say ''''an SQL''''

    I always find it funny when americans complain about the structure of the 'English' language.  It's like when the Quebecers complain about the use of the 'French' language.

    its a moot...

  • RE: Better Secure This Data

    Security devices, logins, locks, fingerprint scanners, whatever, are only a social reaction to the need to reenforce its 'mine not yours' and 'I am not you'.  No secret can ever...

  • RE: Why say ''''an SQL''''

    its sounds more important than ....script.... or batch file...

    and I think T-SQL is closer to accurate...

  • RE: You just might be a DBA if.....

    You name your childern

    1) SELECT

    2) ORDER BY

    3) WHERE

    and the twins


  • RE: Saying Good Bye

    Personally I think officespace said it best...

    Peter Gibbons: You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.

    Bob Porter: Don't... don't care?

  • RE: Saying Good Bye

     <%OPTION digression%>


    That's a great letter.   I'm sure some might argue that there are those who thrive in that kind of environment, yada yada yada.   But what seems now is...

  • RE: Lost Fingers

    Have you looked under the couch... whenever I lose anything I look there first.

  • RE: Notebook Shopping

    My only complaint about laptops is the hard disk they use in them. I wish manufacturers came out with about half a centimeter of baffle or heatsink around those...

  • RE: Lost Fingers

    The perception of safety is always been the key or finger for the premise of security, not the actual prevention of crime. The circle of logic that exists in the...

  • RE: SQL server won''''t start

    sometimes that is the case... if you set way back in the day for it to only use windows authenitcation and then switch it forward to both and then back...

  • RE: Informational Thoughts

    "You have to know

    when to hold em

    when to fold em

    when to walk away

    and when to run...."

    Tables I would use to calculate patterns of pricing:




    Add or subtract listing...

  • RE: Talking Back

    Our company allows *** complete *********** when ********** our policies, and furthermore ********** ****** ***********.

    As you can see there is ** ************** for saying anying *** against our company or...

  • RE: Hitchiker''''s Guide to the Galaxy

    I have many ideas on how the movie could have been better, but they all end in certain death.

    Fun, funny and probably too SMRT for the medium. No need...

Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 530 total)