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  • RE: Generate HTML output for given SQL Query

    Hi Anukul,

    This is the code i got worked.


    EXECUTE [SPGET_QUERY_HTML] 'select * from yourtablename'

    SELECT * FROM ##TEMPhtml1

    SELECT * FROM ##TEMPhtml2


    Create procedure [dbo].[SPGET_QUERY_HTML]

    ( @p_sqlstmt varchar(8000))


    declare @columns varchar(8000)

    declare @finalhtmlout varchar(8000)

    declare @colHeader varchar(8000)

    declare @Final...

  • RE: Generate HTML output for given SQL Query


    Thanks for the code., I got this working. but i have a trouble if the records gets more. bcoz in your code you are using varchar to hold the HTML...

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)