Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Trigger/Function

    Thanks for the help...

  • RE: Trigger/Function

    Yes, application will be distributed with SQL EXPRESS, SMO, SQL SysClrTypes that SMO requires.
    So the only way to access the database will be tro my VB NET application.

  • RE: Trigger/Function

    I have read somewhere that triggers may couse a increase on server workload if the correct term to use.
    So i m wondering since there will be a reduced number...

  • RE: Trigger/Function

    This ment for small business, so will likly by in lan fom 1 to 3 computers, max 5.
    No server, will be local instance that will be configured to alow...

  • RE: Trigger/Function

    A secondary question: why not use SQL Server 2016 rather than 2012?

    Couse some of the users have as operating system Windows 7.
    I have tryed also 2014...

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    I m still reading about error handling in sql, i never used this, everything was handle on the application side.
    Thank you very much for your help, much apreciated.

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Like this then:

    USE [GFD_DB]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ORC_N]  Script Date: 24/07/2017 21:46:11 ******/

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Ok, in that case i need help...
    Is it possible to get a exclusive lock on that table at the begining at that TRANSACTION?
    And how?

    This stored procedure is...

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Right, but when i  use SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE i get exclusive lock on the table for the all 

    July 24, 2017 at 12:50 pm


  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Hi, sorry for the late replay, but have been working on something else and also reading about this subject.
    If i uderstud correctly what i have been reading when the...

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Ok, thanks alot, that clarifies it.
    Another question about this procedure, in the remote event of 2 diferent computers try to access this table at the same time will it...

  • RE: Question about TABLOCKX and HOLDLOCK

    Thanks for the reply.
    So if  i understand i would need to add a new parameter "@myIndex" and a lock like this:

    WITH (TABLOCKX, ID(@myIndex),...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)