Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Positive or Negative

    Kim Crosser (11/27/2015)

    TomThomson (11/26/2015)

    I would have a simple approach to Kim's problem: inform management that the only reasonable way I - as a database person - could resolve this problem...

  • RE: Positive or Negative

    RWillsie (10/23/2015)

    U.S.A.F. Instructors pounded it into my head many years ago to never use "negative logic" effort doomed from the start.

  • RE: A Clock With Benefits

    I agree with the OP. In my experience software has only two jobs: it converts input into data and it converts data into information.

    Data though, that's where it gets interesting.

  • RE: Presenting Data

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/20/2015)

    dietztm (7/20/2015)

    Why not learn Power Pivot too? It's not THAT hard. I know that many of us are allergic to Excel (from an end-user perspective)...

  • RE: Presenting Data

    Why not learn Power Pivot too? It's not THAT hard. I know that many of us are allergic to Excel (from an end-user perspective) but Power Pivot is actually SQL...

  • RE: Training Computer Scientists

    You either have a head for this stuff or you don't. If you don't, a four-plus year degree may help you fake it well enough to get a job and...

  • RE: SSMS or SSDT

    SSMS for T-SQL, schema development and admin work, DT for ETL. I'm a C#/ASP.NET dev by background lately transferred into DW/BI dev.

  • RE: Five Rules For Successful Conversations With Developers

    This works too:

    set @start_of_day = cast(cast(@date as date) as datetime)

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)