Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
Excellent, thank you very much for the help!!
January 5, 2006 at 6:33 am
The ID column is ascending and is auto generated when a person logs in or out of the office.
You hit the nail on the head, I do just want the pairs...
January 5, 2006 at 1:13 am
Thanks, I'll give it a whirl.
April 19, 2005 at 6:05 am
Thanks guys. I was using VB to build the nested select dynamically but was hoping there was another way to do it. The data is in a table already which...
April 13, 2005 at 6:03 am
You can download practice exams from and/or These both offer a limited amount of questions to test yourself with but you will have to pay for the...
February 2, 2005 at 12:50 am
All valid points. I have done a link to the QAS package we use, (ACE in the USA) which narrows it down. I guess that considering it's not the brightest...
July 23, 2003 at 5:47 am
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)