Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Question about bulk insert

    Use DTS - create a new DTS package, create your first connection and point it to your data file, create your second connection and point it to your database then...

  • RE: Strange behavior of DTS

    If you find that as DTS is running, it transfers a batch of rows quickly, then pauses for a while, then transfers another batch of rows quickly, then pauses for...

  • RE: table data type

    sorry - i had a big reply written to you, then hit preview and it all got deleted, so quick summary here.

    with table variable, not possible to truncate table so...

  • RE: How to do this?

    Following code is pseudo code - I've typed it straight in here so no guarantees it will work straight off in Query Analyzer.

  • RE: How to do this?

    Join Category table to itself and point CategoryID = ParentID on the second table so that the second table will refer to the children of the current category.

    If you want...

  • RE: Query using view with outer join

    Ensure you are in ANSI SQL-92 mode, ensure you use the modern method of joining i.e. the one you described with INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN, and if you...

  • RE: Null Parameters

    I would replace the part above - @cond1 - in the construction of your dynamic SQL with the following:

    CASE WHEN @CycleBeg + @CycleEnd  is null then '' else 'AND numcycle...

  • RE: Day of year

    select dateadd(d, 61, '2004-01-01')

    Above should work.

  • RE: Need Help with Stored Procedure and Input Parameters

    You *could* use a CASE statement if you have a finite number of columns that can be passed to the stored procedure, but really you are looking at using dynamic...

  • RE: Calling A DTS Package from a Stored Procedure

    Provided you don't use dynamic SQL inside your stored procedure you should be able to give access to the xp_cmdshell command just specifically to the stored procedure and provide execute...

  • RE: Sending thousands of e-mails from SQL Server

    I wrote a mass mailing application of this sort a while back and the best way is to use a queing table - just have your ASP page write a...

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)