Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 188 total)

  • RE: Long Running Processes

    How would i make this so it run fully automated in a job.  I need to take the "kill 001" and in the end
    string them all together  so that...

  • RE: Long Running Processes

    Thanks a TON to goher2000 ... That works perfectly and greatly appreciated.  I actually just use the code you created and took out the other stuff that i had previously...much...

  • RE: Maintenance plan failing

    Can you clear some space on your delete or move older files to tape..Then once you have enough space i would take a full backup and that should commit...

  • RE: Registering an SPN - can't seem to get Kerberos authentication working

    Goher2000  awesome piece of code....Thanks

    I for one can never completely understand SETSPN and how it works.... for some reason i just cant get is so i truly appreciate...

  • RE: SQL Maintenance plan details

    If your SQL Server is 2005 or later i would try to get away from maintenance plans and use T-SQL scripts or Ola's stuff(Ola Hallengren)... So much easier to make...

  • RE: DB Autogrowth

    Is this a warehousing database that grows at the 40GB or a OLTP databases maybe a database strictly for reports?  The way the db is used should also be part...

  • RE: Shut down and restart of replicated servers

    What Sue said is correct but you also might want to take this time to get everything straightened out and better organized IF you feel that will be helpful with...

  • RE: SQL Server 2016 - Tran log growing huge

    The transaction log growing is just part of the whole equation.  I think you should set a max size on the Tlog file and let it grow...i agree with Jeff...

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    RESOLVED........ heres how

    Since the files came from a different server..looked at the server of origination Server A and found the database and did a select * from sys.database...

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    Thanks Alejandro... those were my thoughts as well and you have confirmed my belief.

    Oh well i am going to give up on this as i am out of...

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    Thank you all for the suggestions...

    I am wondering if this has something to do with the fact that its an attach the database to a different server...

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    Thanks is some food for thought... this is what i see when i use the GUI but when it run it too errors the same

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    John thanks for the reply...
    The database was completely removed and i took the old files from a VEEAM restore and now trying to attach them.  When the files originally...

  • RE: restore/Attach not working as expected

    Thanks for the suggestion Sue as its much appreciated....checked all permissions and all is well.  tried sp_attach_db and results below

    SP_attach_DB 'tops3',

    Msg 5120,...

  • RE: Adding Addtional TempDB Files

    Add your needed files and to the size specifications you want and you are correct in once you restart SQL Server the temp is recreated.
    Also the add of 4...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 188 total)