Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Backup\ Restore completion Status.

    Once a job completes (100%), it no longer appears in the dmv right? Am I correct in understanding that the DMV only shows currently executing requests?


  • RE: Clustered indexes

    Good question, got tripped up on:

    "All nonclustered indexes include the clustered index columns in their index pages"

    I thought this was not true for the mere point that a table does...

  • RE: Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck, and Dodge

    This is so true dealing with most customer service departments these days. It really stinks that companies don't stand behind their products. What happened to the days when...

  • RE: Transactions

    Thanks! I was not familiar with SAVE TRANSACTION.

  • RE: Data Import

    Nice question! I didn't know a connections such as MULTIFLATFILE existed. I typically did what was suggested in the second answer. Thanks!

  • RE: T-SQL 2008

    I agree as well that GROUPING_ID is not a sub clause of GROUP BY.

  • RE: Unicode

    I agree that the answer appears simple, and SQL supports UCS-2 encoding, but if you take the question for face value, the answer looks like it could be up to...

  • RE: one character of data

    I believe the answer should be char(1) or nchar(1) depending on the situation. varchar should not be used given the parameters in the question. The choice between char(1)...

  • RE: Active Directory Data Source

    I have a similar issue with AD limiting the number of rows returned. Did you ever find a resolution to this problem?


  • RE: TSQL

    I agree. I think the correct answer is No...

  • RE: Database Roles

    I agree with the others, there is db_ssisltduser but no db_ssitduser.

  • RE: Celebration

    Congratulations! This is truely a great site!

  • RE: Restore of the Database

    I agree with Warren as well. I originally thought the answer was NO until I read the restorehistory docs which have a verifyonly entry, so I answered YES which...

  • RE: Security

    Could someone explain why the first answer would be incorrect?

    I felt it was a correct answer based on SQL 2005 BOL:


    SQL Server 2005 supports the ability to impersonate another principal...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)