Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1,426 through 1,435 (of 1,435 total)

  • RE: SQL Replication

    MysteryJimbo (2/24/2012)

    Is the server register in the publisher?

    exec sp_helpsubscriberinfo

    Also check for an entry in sys.servers as it should have one on the publisher

    exec sp_helpsubscriberinfo comes back empty

    select * from...

  • RE: SQL Replication

    MysteryJimbo (2/24/2012)

    Have you tried this in a push replication setup?

    I did find this on technet as well which suggests its security related in someway but the wording to me suggests...

  • RE: SQL Replication

    MysteryJimbo (2/24/2012)

    Have you tried this in a push replication setup?

    I did find this on technet as well which suggests its security related in someway but the wording to me suggests...

  • RE: WHERE Date Range

    SELECT @FromDate = ISNULL(@FromDate, SELECT MIN(DateCreated) FROM #t))

    , @ThroughDate= ISNULL(@ThroughDate, SELECT MAX(DateCreated) FROM #t))

    SELECT *


    WHERE DateCreated BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ThroughDate

  • RE: Join Current Record to Previous Record

    ;with baseData as (

    select modifydate, fieldname, fieldvalue, modifyuser, seq = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by fieldname order by modifydate)

    from ChangeHistory


    select T1.modifydate, T1.fieldname, OldValue = T1.fieldvalue, newValue = isnull(T2.fieldvalue, '------'), T1.modifyuser


  • RE: SQL on specific IP

    Thanks Satya

    I will try this.

  • RE: IDENTITY seed/increment not resetting after transaction rollbacks

    Thanks Bob

    I agree that the actual number is irrelevant. However, the customer wants sequential numbers, so that's what he gets.


    Des Norton

  • RE: IDENTITY seed/increment not resetting after transaction rollbacks

    Jack, Christopher

    Concurrency is an issue. The transaction is controlled by the application, and the audit table will be hit quite hard.

    We will chnage the Identity field to a regular...

  • RE: IDENTITY seed/increment not resetting after transaction rollbacks

    Thanks Christopher

    That does the trick.

  • RE: Merge Replication - SQL 2000/2005

    Mihael, Philip

    Thanks of the input.

    I have tried using the SPs to add the subscription manually, but still no luck.

    I have carte blanche on the publisher/distributor (my server), but need lots...

Viewing 10 posts - 1,426 through 1,435 (of 1,435 total)