Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 280 total)

  • RE: character ordering

    As with most QotDs, I try and answer them, right or wrong, before researching the answer, so I can identify gaps in my knowledge rather than score points.

    I'm afraid this...

  • RE: Get job list

    PMed you with rough but tested script.

  • RE: Get job list

    Ah, I see. msdb..sysschedules will be your friend then, it defines freq_interval, freq_type, etc. and you should be able to join on schedule_id with msdb..sysjobschedules as a filter.

    Unfortunately I...

  • RE: Get job list

    In the simplest form, with no filters:


    sjs.next_run_date, sjs.next_run_time

    FROM MSDB..sysjobs sj

    JOIN MSDB..sysjobschedules sjs ON sj.job_id = sjs.job_id


  • RE: similar function in Ireport like IIF in Crystal Reports

    IF vs IIF: IF is a logical operator - IF a THEN b ELSE c. Whereas IIF is a construct, meaning 'IF and ONLY IF' and the SQL...

  • RE: sql job

    Check that the user configured in Idera has the correct permissions to view SQL Server Agent jobs, best achieved by assigning that user to a fixed DB role as per...

  • RE: How do we calculate the Space used per row

    It depends on the type of data you're storing. You will need a good handle on the datatypes used in SQL Server (start here: ) to know the...

  • RE: DBA Support

    This is a nice question, but skating a bit close to the confidentiality line for me I'm afraid. A bit of basic research with Google will uncover which company...

  • RE: Graph to show downtime / data loss?

    Grant, that's exactly what I mean. Thanks very much for your reply!

  • RE: STR

    I initially thought '23.45' as I would have thought the length requirement of 2 would 'count' from the smallest to the largest unit, but decided to test the statement before...

  • RE: Innovation

    Absolutely, it's of prime importance to me. My core employable skill is SQL Server and that's what I do for a living, but I often have ideas on things...

  • RE: While loop 2

    Good question, thank you. Had to read twice to make sure I wasn't missing a 'trick'!

  • RE: While loop

    Decent question with lots of red herrings, many thanks 🙂

  • RE: SQL Server Conference/Seminar in the UK.

    I normally attend the local SQL Server user group meetings, you'll find them on SQLServerFAQ. You need to pre-register but they're free to attend and while not always easy...

  • RE: CPU and Scheduler Performance Monitoring using SQL Server and Excel

    Overhead will depend on how well you optimise the SQL-side stored procedure, I suppose. My version runs OK but might contribute to a performance problem. You could use...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 280 total)