Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 325 total)

  • RE: OUTPUT - 1

    Kingston Dhasian (2/26/2013)

    handkot (2/26/2013)

    the answer is ambiguous and depends from collations

    I agree somewhat

    The answers will change if the database collation is case sensitive

    But, overall a very good question.

    Well, I did...

  • RE: Locking Hints


    Lokesh Vij (2/20/2013)

    Easy and Nice question for the day. Thanks Serge 🙂

    SQL Server assumes that this is a table alias 😀


  • RE: THROW - 1

    how should I say it ?? :w00t:

    I got that right ..was caught up for a while in severity level , as in msdn , when Throw used without parameters, the...

  • RE: Date comparision logic....?

    Minnu (2/19/2013)

    Hi Team,

    select create_date, modify_date from sys.objects


    create_date >='2010-04-02 16:59:23.267' and

    (modify_date >='2012-01-28 15:43:46.077' or modify_date <='2012-12-28 15:43:46.077')

    am using above query to display

    Create_date should be >= 2010 and

    modify date...

  • RE: Update with CASE statement

    zerko (2/18/2013)

    As it stands, the question is poorly phrased. Even if one part of the solution is clearly false, the boolean 'OR' operation makes the statement true if the other...

  • RE: Alter User

    Koen Verbeeck (2/18/2013)

    Interesting question, thanks.


  • RE: The Lonely and Neglected Cartesian Product (Cross Join)

    bitbucket-25253 (2/11/2013)

    Thanks .. nice clear question about something I needed to learn ...

    Now my question to you: Is the company sponsored employee & spouse/partner formal dinner and dance, a benefit...

  • RE: Parameterized table names?

    Raymond van Laake (2/7/2013)


    Thanks for your reply, was afraid this would be the outcome.

    The reason I need it is: my users can create a "campaign", and based on what's needed...

  • RE: Creating Tables

    vk-kirov (2/10/2013)

    GO (Transact-SQL)


    GO is not a Transact-SQL statement

    So I read the question as following:

    1) Do something to make the following statements to belong to one batch (ie, remove all GOs);


  • RE: Creating Tables

    binod.soft (2/10/2013)

    The Statement has three GO syntax which indicates three Batches. Each Go used shows an end of the Batch. I have shown below each of the GO with their...

  • RE: Transactional Table with size 225 GB, needs index maintenance and partitioning

    How can i calculate sort space.

    Follow this link ; For space calulations ..

  • RE: how to count in sql?

    dwain.c (2/7/2013)

    asco5 (2/7/2013)

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    How do you want to handle tied counts?

    I'm thinking a RANK() or DENSE_RANK() might...

  • RE: Thesaurus Files

    I had to read the whole about thesarus files , to get that right ..

    good learning for me .. I never used it , I guess I need to know...

  • RE: Staging table population - advice needed

    Abu Dina (2/7/2013)

    Fair enough. I think I'm trying to be too clever when I should be concentrating on getting the rest of the project done first! This part works but...

  • RE: Staging table population - advice needed

    Abu Dina (2/6/2013)

    I seem to have many IF statmements to check for columns before I build my dynamic insert statement.

    Any ideas?

    'If' is a conditional statement ;so, when you need it...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 325 total)