Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: CASE With a Calculated Value

    I feel the problem lies the way in which the case function has been implemente. There are 2 ways of implementing the case statement, simple case and searched case. Not...

  • RE: Unexpected behaviour - Query and a Table

    May be I am shooting arrows in the dark, but my feleing here is that the query has become slow due to defragmentation of data.

    Try using dbcc showcontig command.

    For more...

  • RE: Inserting Value problem

    One more way is to replace all single instance of "'" with "''" using replace function.

  • RE: help query

    Select ControlID from SendController

    Group By ControlID,Datetime

    having count(controlid) <10

    One assumtion here is the datetime table does not have time embedded in them.

  • RE: Read Uncommitted

    You Can always pass the string as using Connection.execute method or us command object to do the same. This can be done after the connection is successfully opened.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)