Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Memory Leak in SQL SP3?


    Two quick points, the first for any users. If you think you have a memory leak, you should log a call with Microsoft, although your situation doesm't sound like a...

  • RE: Thanks for this site ! Any similar for DB2

    When somebody else is spending the money, well I suppose there is nothing you can do. Often though if you present a case based on facts at a higher enough...

  • RE: Need better performance with DBCC DBREINDEX

    Are you storing the images in the database?

    If so are you storing them inline with the data pages, if you do this you will really slow down your system.

    Let me...

  • RE: Disaster recovery question

    if you have your master backup, then yes you will be able to fully recover your system to it's prior state. However if you do not have a master backup,...

  • RE: Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure

    Fantastic Stored Proc, however it did start to drive my server hard when I started to increase the calls. Looks like there is a lot of overhead in the OA_create...

  • RE: How to suppress this "warning" message?


    I have seen this before and the following statement suppresses this message:


  • RE: SQLLite Speed Restore time Doubled after 2003/SP3a


    I have seen no major differences in restore times between LiteSpeed and Native restores. My experience with restores (LiteSpeed or Native), is that there are two major factors which...

  • RE: Eliminating Windows Authentication

    If users have administrator access to your machine, then you are not going to be able to secure SQL Server completely, other than for the casual user who connects via...

  • RE: Backups Across Network Too Slow


    we had similar problems, but now we use a product called sqllitespeed ( thats advertised on this site. This fixed the problems we were having and we now backup 120GB...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)