Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 129 total)


    You may get what you want by looking at the Step properties Advanced tab (EM Job properties) and specifying that the step create a log file. This location can then...

  • RE: Help - How to copy SQL agent job ?

    Just did this and it worked fine so I'm going ask the stupid questions:

    Are you SURE you renamed the job Title ? (In more than one place)

    Are you using EM...

  • RE: Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access Group

    Why ? Why not just change the job owner to reflect the environmental change brought about by the domain "upgrade" ? To "sa" perhaps even...

    It's a Windows group so you...

  • RE: Debugging stored procedures in Visual Studio

    You may already know this but have you read the help for "Setting up SQL Debugging" ? There is quite a lot of info there.


  • RE: New Web Server

    For god's sake it's a website not the US tax office. Talk about underpowered shaftware.

    (anyone want to take bets on "please don't tell me SQL Server is running there too ...")...

  • RE: Clustered NS

    Oh yeah.....

    If you are referring to SQL 2000 on a 2000 server cluster Active/Active then I can tell you I have had no problems.

    If you are getting an increased sense...

  • RE: SP is pretending to execute without errors...

    Without seeing the code it's a bit like asking us to describe the painting on the table in a room with the lights off while blindfolded.

    BUT, if you have Query...

  • RE: Clustered NS

    What is NS in this case ? (Maybe it's just too late in the day)


  • RE: Help With Deadlock

    Yes the Nolock will allow the select to proceed, therefore completing the Insert

    Can it be that the select performance could be improved ?



  • RE: Connection problem (TCP/IP vs Named Pipes)

    Have you thought about Name Resolution ? If you can put an entry into your Hosts file withthe server name and IP (and use that) then you won't have to...

  • RE: Select query across linked server using security context

    The query looks ok.

    In your linked server you can specify which accounts can be mapped to the remote server. If you choose the Connections: Not be Made option, the only connections...

  • RE: SQL Agent Mail - Profile Question

    See BOL - search for SQL Mail. Here's a quick quote:

    SQL Server uses two services to handle mail. MSSQLServer processes mail for all of the mail stored procedures. SQLServerAgent...

  • RE: Transferring backups

    So really, you are talking backup strategies here.

    We backup the database nightly to another server (via backup device which points to a share on the other server) which itself (on...

  • RE: I know it''''s a long shot, but.......

    Man ! Quiet please ! You might have just blown away my next great business idea for HVS (Holographic Virtual Screens).

    Not too long ago someone else did the same with...

  • RE: Finding duplicate entries

    Or plain vanilla:

    select *, count(company) "kaching!" from test

    group by aTime, aValue, Company

    Having count(company) > 1 kaching

    order by count(company) desc


    aTime                            avalue     company                  kaching!    

    ------------------------   ---------  -------------------- -------

    2005-04-02 00:00:00.000  bu002      ABC Company           ...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 129 total)