Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Coding With Music

    I usually listen to classical, since it serves as great background music. I prefer it on NPR or Pandora where commercials are at a minimum. Sometimes it's rock when I...

  • RE: Get Rid of Duplicates!

    I use this one a lot because it removes multiples (3's, 4's, etc) - not just duplicates...

    WITH dups AS

    ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition BY USER_NAME, start_date ORDER BY...

  • RE: The Value of Experience

    What about communication, teamwork, and 'people' skills? I've worked with some pretty sharp folks over the years, but if they did not have these skills they didn't get very far,...

  • RE: Managing Useful Scripts and Articles

    I just stick the ones I like in my SSC Briefcase.

  • RE: Calculating Work Days

    Just tried this out....good job!

    Or in SoCal parlance: "Dude, you rock!":cool:

  • RE: T-SQL Loop Question

    follow up to GSquared's first idea:

    You could add an Identity field to a temp table loaded with your source data. Then load your destination table from that.

    -- create temp source...

  • RE: Annoyances

    Ok, you guys have seen me rant about her before, but here goes:

    1. Always the first to find 'free food' on the floor

    yet NEVER brings any...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    I have seen a 'symptom' here regarding questions on the boards that I occasionally see at work.

    Here's a good example. There is a lady who sits across from me and...

  • RE: In way over my head

    Off topic...

    Wow, avatar!

  • RE: The Oscars

    Forgot about Ghost Town (Ricky Gervais) - very good!

  • RE: The Oscars

    Benjamin Button - I've often wondered what it would be like to reverse in age!

    Dark Knight - Heath Ledger is amazing

    Burn After Reading - Quirky and fun


    Iron Man...

  • RE: Great IT Shops

    I currently inhabit a high-walled cube in a small group (4) in a small shop (30 - 40) in an insurance company in the midwest US. My group makes my...

  • RE: Outsourcing is the best idea ???

    Company I worked for outsourced twice (to different companies) and both times they brought IT back in-house. The last one was a costly, miserable failure yet the outsourcing company had...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Sorry, had to reply to this so I could change my email notification to NONE on this thread...getting bombarded by emails from it! :w00t:

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Someone should keep a list, starting 1/1/09, of the bad questions that come in. At the end of the year, they can publish something similar to the Darwin Awards, consisting...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 109 total)