Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,361 through 3,375 (of 3,518 total)

  • RE: How to pronounce SQL


    Or, as I once heard "Squeeel"

    This is how it's pronounced if you're a finance director...

  • RE: SQL Server and JDBC

    I had a huge document on performance characteristics of ORACLE, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2 and one or two others that included JDBC performance.

    I thought it was on but I...

  • RE: How to pronounce SQL

    You should see the Russian for "restaurant". It can be rendered as "ÐÅÑÒÎÐÀÍ" in standard font but looks rather more complex in cyrillic. To add to the confusion...

  • RE: Use Backup to Copy a DB

    It takes a special sort of genius to name a function so that is so short it qualifies for a noise word in search engines!

    I can't see that anyone...

  • RE: Use Backup to Copy a DB

    What exactly does N'string' do? Is it really necessary?

  • RE: Is the Schema Still Needed?

    I liked the idea of developing and testing with your own "schema" before cutting across to a dbo implementation.

    It is not a facility that I commonly use and I don't...

  • RE: Distribution Statistics

    Reading through my old MS notes from SQL 6.5 days it appears that running UPDATE STATISTICS on a table will recreate all distribution statistics within an index. Moving forward...

  • RE: DBA's vs Developers



    not every DBA -- not even every Oracle DBA 🙂 -- is so arrogant.


  • RE: Other databases

    I've used Notes. It is more of a document management system that an RDBMS.

    If you are storing documents then, obviously Notes is the way to go. ...

  • RE: DBA's vs Developers

    Age old problem, age old solution.

    There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over!

  • RE: Other databases


    Not happy with Sybase? Curiosity impels me to ask, why not?

    It's more of a...

  • RE: Other databases

    Looking through the Wrox Press Book "Beginning PHP4 Databases" the comments that it makes on MySQL and PostGres are


    • Optimised for Reads only apps.
    • Doesn't support DRI.
    • Doesn't support views or stored...
  • RE: Distribution Statistics

    Thanks for this.

    I notice that the _WA_SYS stats count towards the 255 indices allowed on a table.

    There is an db option to autocreate these stats which defaults to "ON" as...

  • RE: DBA's vs Developers

    I've seen the military approach.

    I've heard a story about NASA spending millions to develop a pen that would write in space. The Russians provided their cosmonauts with pencils.

    The military...

  • RE: How to run a stored procedure as other user?

    Are you the system administrator?

    Get the system administrator to create a copy of that user explicitly for testing.

    As I said, this is a long winded approach. Use EM to...

Viewing 15 posts - 3,361 through 3,375 (of 3,518 total)