Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: State v Migrations

    We have a hundred customers with various versions - some customers are 2 major releases behind, some are a few point releases.

    When we went live with our first customer, I...

  • RE: Microservices for Databases

    Every time I go to a Datastax-Cassandra event, I keep hearing about the "legacy RDMS" and how NoSQL, and Cassandra specifically, are going to do them in.

    After getting an idea...

  • RE: No State Based Deployments

    We have a hundred plus customers, where our software and databases are installed on-site.

    All but a few of our customers are on the same major and point release.

    We have a...

  • RE: One Database to Rule Them All

    I took an interesting one-day course from DataStax on Apache Cassandra - a big data solution used by Netflix, Comcast, eBay, and dozens of other companies.

    Like what Twitter uses, it's...

  • RE: Union Forcing Distinct

    Interesting - I wouldn't have suspected that UNION makes the result set from each separate select "distinct".

    I would guess that a "UNION" is really a "UNION ALL", with a subsequent...

  • RE: Fun with Outer Joins


    Thanks for the lesson.

    A question:

    Regarding "assembly language bits", we have a case where we need to track historic medical data for patients (problems), and track if it's resolved or not....

  • RE: How to Make Scalar UDFs Run Faster (SQL Spackle)

    Nicely done. Something to keep in mind when testing.

  • RE: What, When and who? Auditing 101

    I am not sure I agree with,

    "Data auditing is the process of doing a profile check and assessing the quality of data, to find how accurate it is. This can...

  • RE: Where Do You Park?

    I've driven to work three times in the last 10 or so years. The rest of the time it's been transit - bus/walking and Skytrain. It takes about 30 minutes...

  • RE: Benefits

    I haven't had a raise in 4 years. Our company is just hitting break-even now, so I don't mind, but I was hoping for more stock options.

    That said, my salary...

  • RE: Benefits

    Apparently, corporations are sitting on a hoard of trillions of dollars that they are afraid to spend (or don't know how to spend).

    And yet they still cut back, lay...

  • RE: NewSQL Can Save the World

    We evaluated an in-memory database a while back (Times Ten), and data was persisted to disk, just not as frequently. The database read all the data from disk into memory...

  • RE: Get DDL for any SQL 2005 table

    Another quick fix - the size computation is missing for columns of type "varbinary" - I added this to the long query that computes the column type, length, and nullability:


  • RE: Get DDL for any SQL 2005 table

    No problem, and thanks for the excellent script.

    I am planning to use a modified version to help manage our internal database version control - roll up patch directories back into...

  • RE: Get DDL for any SQL 2005 table

    There's a bug in this script at approximately line 82 - details below.

    At line 56, you go to the trouble of figuring out the OBJECT_ID for the table using the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)