Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 63 total)

  • RE: Full Text Search

    Here's some additional info culled from a log file:

    2014-01-29 14:48:14.02 spid22s Informational: Full-text Full population initialized for table or indexed view '[MyDB].

    .[FtsTest]' (table or indexed view...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    Jeff Moden (3/8/2012)

    That's good but you still need to fix the growth and initial size settings of TempDB. 😉

    Yes, I fixed that on my "problem" server, and on two other...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    I ended up opening a support ticket with Microsoft. During initial correspondence with the MS rep, it came to light that SP1 was not installed on the server (Win...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    Jeff Moden (2/28/2012)

    With that thought in mind and taking a shot in the dark, what are the initial size and growth settings of TempDB?

    tempdev: initial size 8MB, autogrowth by...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    One final update (for now)...

    I rebooted the server during a maintenance window Monday night. Performance has resumed to normal. Users are no longer complaining, I can no longer...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    Brian.cs (2/28/2012)

    The reason I was asking about ASP.NET has to do with a bug in transaction scope, and if you don't know how to look at it then it's really...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    Dave Ballantyne (2/28/2012)

    Could also be a slow down on the client consuming the data. The duration includes time taken to send the data to the client , ...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    Brian.cs (2/27/2012)

    This smells like somethings we recently ran into, we actually had 3 things going on and solving both fixed it for us. Three questions:

    1. Is this being run by...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    GilaMonster (2/27/2012)

    Track the per-process waits (sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks), the cumulative is fairly useless as a single snapshot, especially with all the ignorable waits included.

    See if you can track, when that query runs...

  • RE: Erratic SP Performance

    I've been looking at sys.dm_os_wait_stats and cross-referencing I see quite a few actions that include "You should be able to safely ignore".

    Here are the wait stats...

  • RE: Moving MSDB from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

    Markus (11/3/2011)

    A SQL2005 version of master and MSDB won't work in a SQL2008 install via the backup/restore method.

    Agreed! That is why I posed the following question in...

  • RE: Moving MSDB from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

    It seems like when I script out objects and recreate them on another server, I always forget something. :blush:

    FWIW, I've taken backups of msdb and master and restored them to...

  • RE: Moving MSDB from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

    Elliott Whitlow (11/2/2011)

    You are asking for trouble...


    Why? Can you give me some specifics?

  • RE: Full-Text Search query with wildcard search not returning desired results - is the "dash" character to blame?

    I was using FTS on Sql 2008 Express R2 and had some issues that sound very similar to what you are experiencing. After installing SP1, queries worked as expected....

  • RE: Moving MSDB from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

    Soon, I will also be moving a SQL 2005 environment to SQL 2008 on a new box.

    What if the 2005 instance was ugraded to SQL 2008? Then msdb could...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 63 total)