Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)

  • RE: Autoincrement Field for Multi-company database

    OK I perfectly understand this as I have had the same problem in the past. My solution was a new table that has the fields:

    1. Company Code

    2. String Identifier for...

  • RE: Blackle

    Always black background when programming! I guess old habits (MVS and AS/400) die hard!

  • RE: locking hints

    Well there is a very old and well tested technique for "logical" locking of records. Since you can't have a pending transaction locking everything while a user is let's say...

  • RE: Simplest backup

    I have a simple application built with VB6 and ADO especially for backing SQL server express. If anyne is interested I can upload source + executable or mail the whole...

  • RE: Head in the sand thought

    I have lived the story on more than one occasions. One approach could be to do things *without* sounding negative:


    1. Why is the guy proposing the changes in the...

  • RE: Weird user authentication problem

    I have seen this only once on a network with static IPs. After all admins kai programmers gave up trying the network administrator rebuild (??? not sure of the terminology)...

  • RE: Access to SQL Express 2005

    I have done this a few times in the past using 3rd party tools. They all had some problem or another. Some did not convert the primary indexes, some did...

  • RE: Strange error after power failure

    OK, the problem was solved by our net administrator. After he tried everything he knew he started experimenting.

    He stopped then started agan manually the DNS service on the Server...

  • RE: International Formatting Help

    I program SQL Server 2005 for applications in Europe with visual basic 6 and ADO. Our date format is dd/mm/yyyy and number format is 123.123,99. Never had any problems. We...

  • RE: firehose mode

    I use exactly the same technique with VB 6 and SQL Server 2005 and it is funny but I have never seen this kind of error (although I have a...

  • RE: shrinking the database?

    what is really important to consider is if you REALLY need to shrink your database. It takes time, and it fragments tables and indexes.

    also Auto-shrink is not recommended because of...

  • RE: Return only Metadata

    what are you using to develop the application? You might want to try using ADOX. It's supported by the SQL Server ADO provider.

  • RE: Saving a timestamp value

    I found it !

    A closer look in BOL revealed:

    "A nonnullable timestamp column is semantically equivalent to a binary(8) column. A nullable timestamp column is semantically equivalent to a varbinary(8) column"

  • RE: Saving a timestamp value

    Timestamps as we know them from other DBs are equivalent to SQL datetime datatype. SQL Server timestamps are something else,

    I quote from BOL:

    "The SQL Server timestamp data type has nothing...

  • RE: Saving a timestamp value

    I was refering to a SQL server timestamp field - the one that has nothing to do with date or time! It has a binary value

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)