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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 163 total)


    Thanks for the help, Jeffrey and Brian. This is the quote I was after:


    INSERT queries that use SELECT with ORDER BY to populate rows guarantees how identity values are computed...

  • Reply To: How To Avoid MERGE in SQL Server

    One benefit to understanding methods for merging without using the T-SQL MERGE command is that you can more easily port concepts to other platforms. For example, Snowflake supports _a_ MERGE...


    Hmmm... an even older reference than the 2010-era stuff I found, and on an unmaintained page. Not giving me much confidence that the behavior has been preserved and is still...

  • Reply To: Should I Type * or 1 With the EXISTS Logical Operator

    Thanks for the additional clarification, Solomon. Very interesting behavior. I don't know, though, that I've constructed many (any) EXISTS predicates that weren't correlated in some way, hence always referencing at...

  • Reply To: Should I Type * or 1 With the EXISTS Logical Operator

    OK - I'm missing something or misunderstanding the point, because SELECT 1 or SELECT * works fine for a user that is denied permission on a column within the table...

  • RE: Defending the RDBMS

    I saw the first article that set off this back-and-forth a couple weeks ago (gave me quite a chuckle). The scientific community has a description for ideas like it: "not...

  • RE: Using QUOTENAME()

    One other important point (and, to me, the best reason to use QUOTENAME), is the built-in escaping of certain characters, which helps to prevent SQL Injection attacks in certain scenarios.

  • RE: The Office

    jay-h (12/29/2010)

    Don't forget: any job that can be done from home can be done from a 'low cost country'

    Sure - Stephen King's next novel has been outsourced to Bangalore. 😛

  • RE: Managers

    I always thought a compensation structure modeled after sports teams made sense in the context of high-performing development teams. The manager ("coach") makes a good salary, but it's the star...

  • RE: Join Operations – Hash Match

    Fantastic article, Jason!

    I know what a challenge it is to set up a realistic test scenario that illustrates the behavior you're trying to explain, and you did a great job...

  • RE: Normalizing-Denormalized Tables

    arnipetursson (11/1/2013)

    Am I the only one bothered by the lack of unique constraint/index on the natural keys in in the new tables.

    The new design allows the insertion of duplicate entries...

  • RE: The Ratio

    Nice topic, Steve, and I have to say I'm not at all surprised at the numbers people are reporting.

    An interesting related question - for those that are "development dba's" or...

  • RE: Hierarchies on Steroids #1: Convert an Adjacency List to Nested Sets

    Excellent article, Jeff! I look forward to Thursday's installment.

    I've played around with mixing these two representations of hierarchies before, but had never gotten past the performance issues, so it's great...

  • RE: Creating a comma-separated list (SQL Spackle)

    opc.three (11/8/2012)

    cs_troyk (11/8/2012)

    opc.three (11/8/2012)

    cs_troyk (10/29/2012)

    Not that I advocate switching to a "toy" RDBMS, but MySQL does have the GROUP_CONCAT operator which makes this type of thing a little more elegant....

  • RE: Creating a comma-separated list (SQL Spackle)

    opc.three (11/8/2012)

    cs_troyk (10/29/2012)

    Not that I advocate switching to a "toy" RDBMS, but MySQL does have the GROUP_CONCAT operator which makes this type of thing a little more elegant. It's something...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 163 total)