Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 72 total)

  • RE: installing SSMS

    Thanks Joseph. What are the common components?

  • RE: installing SSMS

    Thanks Jeffrey. Using the change option yeilds the same results... indication is the client is install but SSMS is not available.

  • RE: mail notifications failing

    I apologize adams... got called for other duties. Hmmm, lets take a closer look at the properties of the job. Is the owner of the Job the same account as...

  • RE: mail notifications failing

    Good. Right click the test job, click job history and look to see what is indicated in the 'Operator Emailed' column. Also look in the Message column for an indication...

  • RE: mail notifications failing

    Good. Let's go to that Jobs Failure operator, right click and look at the Email name: . Type this same name in the To: box of the Send Test Email...

  • RE: mail notifications failing


    Have you solved the problem in the interim? If not let's back up.You indicated you sent a successful test message. When you right click Database Mail, in...

  • RE: mail notifications failing


    If you right click Database Mail, what is the name of the Database Mail_Profile and the To: email account that is successfully receiving the test message?




  • RE: mail notifications failing


    Have you right clicked DataBase Mail \ View Database Mail Log \ Highlight the most recent entry and read the message at the bottom of the...

  • RE: Linked server will not expand

    Thanks for the input Warren. Please note my response to Perry.

  • RE: Linked server will not expand

    Thanks for the input Perry. That's what's odd about this case. The user can log into other clients, open SSIS and view all linked server objects. It's when anyone logs...

  • RE: Linked server will not expand

    Thanks for the reply Warren. The external data sources are the same builds and service packs.

  • RE: Linked server will not expand

    Thank for responding Adam. The links are established using remote credentials. This user can log onto other ssis clients and access multiple linked servers and their objects.

  • RE: mail notifications failing


    My previous should have gone to you.


    Your post hit my email at 9:12 this morning. Did Maine's response satisfy your question?


    Ed ...

  • RE: mail notifications failing


    Your post hit my email at 9:12 this morning. Did Maine's response satisfy your question?



  • RE: SQL Server Agent access

    You nailed it Happycat. I had to add the user to the msdb and add the user to the msdb SQLAgentOperator Role.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 72 total)