Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 106 total)

  • RE: utility functions

    I'm confused why you think the size is large - I use int to store the CCYYMM period. That's 4 bytes not 8 (datetime).

    It's rare, if at all, that...

  • RE: utility functions

    Neato thanks for the improvements. I'll try them out in production soon as I burn em in.

    "Why not just use the datetime value itself "for querying against"?"

    If you mean the...

  • RE: Dynamic Table Creation from Stored Procedure

    Sorry for the formatting. I hate it when forum interfaces remove all my formatting tabs. Unfortunately I am too used to tab instead of space formatting to...

  • RE: Dynamic Table Creation from Stored Procedure

    -- You have two options that I can think of:

    -- 1) Users use the pivottable functionality built into olap services (i.e. in excel its a snap) and just provide them...

  • RE: Temporary Stored Procedures

    I use execute(string) and sp_executesql also, for about the same reasons that Jeremy said. I'd be lost without them, especially the execute(string) one. I don't create stored procedures...

  • RE: Start SQL server

    Sorry, I have no suggestions other than online help or one of those 21 days titles for resources. SQL server is quite a bit different than access in ways...

  • RE: Query Analyzer Replacement

    It's a hack, and avoids your security issues (sounds like physical security is a problem, or forced frequent changing of passwords on non system accounts), but...

    What about writing a silly...

  • RE: Import and export data

    Probably already thought of it, but insert into is slower than select into, truncate faster than delete, inserting into tables with indexes already defined is slow (bulk wise) especially if...

  • RE: Import and export data

    One reason BCP is so fast is because there is no transaction stuff going on. If dumping the data from server A to a flat file for importing via...

  • RE: Field Meta Data by Table

    Because I tried it and didn't like it- I wrote this when I needed to review a db for naming conventions, identity column usage, field type usage and matching, etc....

  • RE: utility functions





    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnIndexableDateTimeString

    (@SeedDate datetime)

    RETURNS char(17)



    -- Author: Norman Seymore

    -- 11/19/2003

    -- does what it says. I use this a ton, lately

    -- it's usually to...

  • RE: utility functions

    drop function dbo.fnRemoveNChar


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnRemoveNChar

    (@String nvarchar(400))

    RETURNS nvarchar(32)



    -- Author: Norman Seymore

    -- 11/19/2003

    -- removes non-numeric data from an nchar string

    -- essentially extracting numeric data from junky fields

    -- One use of this is...

  • RE: DataBase Owner

    If you don't use roles then you will be stuck with a lot more upkeep.

    Unless I miss my guess all of the objects are already dbo owned, since it sounds...

  • RE: Single Quotes and Single Double Quotes

    Can you post your ASP code?

  • RE: dev's using sa on production - help

    Picking the best document out there for your situation is a good diplomatic effort inner-office, but I like Andy Warren's suggestion for dealing with the developers also for diplomatic reasons....

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 106 total)