Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 106 total)

  • RE: Running Query batches in stored procedure

    I have a habit of avoiding table names. I always specify my fields but use the alias i give to the table. Just personal preference - it's easier...

  • RE: Selecting hierarchial data

    Not unless you can accept a depth limit.

    For infinite-depth heirarchies I believe you are stuck with doing it yourself in a loop.

    Look in online help for 'expanding hierarchies'

  • RE: 100% CPU

    Oof yeah forgot about that little factor. I also use a local db- one i named sandbox that i putz in with junk stuff all of the time.

  • RE: Linked servers query problem

    If I understand you right, yes. My understanding of severity levels on errors isn't what it should be- I don't know if they error you are getting actually fails...

  • RE: Combine 2 similar SQL databases

    I saw a sql data compare tool in an advertisement in my email. I'll go see if i can find it. Never used it myself.

    As long as you...

  • RE: Linked servers query problem

    Not sure what you mean by a logon problem. If you can generate an error that lets you keep control of the batch/sp you could work around it. ...

  • RE: utility functions

    Sounds like we are on the same sheet then. The fragments were junk- I should have removed them before posting.

  • RE: Updating a table

    All of the fields in your view are stored again as a table internally.

    Could you perhaps remove that volatile column from the materialized view, and then create a wrapper view...

  • RE: 100% CPU

    In profiler open a trace with the default template. Remove the groups on the right in the events tab except for what is already there for Stored Procedures and...

  • RE: Is this possible in a view

    I'm unaware of a way to do that, unless the filter is also part of the view definition.

    You could make it a stored procedure or UDF that returns a result...

  • RE: @@ERROR problems

    @@Error will only contain a value if your select statement actually generates a SQL error, like if there is no field named 'name'.

    I think what you are wanting to do...

  • RE: utility functions


    I've never seen an example where a UDF performs better than internal functions. This can make a big difference when applying...

  • RE: utility functions

    Yes, that does the same thing. Mine has granularity out to the MS, but I haven't needed it. Yours is certainly more SQL guruish.

    I bet yours is faster...

  • RE: utility functions

    I wanted something to call to set memory variables, instead of retyping the same code every time.

    I set it up to return a string because at the time:


  • RE: DTS Connection - ANSI_NULLS setting

    Still curious if seperating the settings statements in a seperate batch but on the same connection works. You could also try setting the default connection properties on the SQL...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 106 total)