Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 207 total)

  • RE: Generate Create Scripts

    Can you leverage SSIS and the ForEach container to loop through each table in a database and generate a script?

  • RE: DataWarehsouing and 8K Sql page size

    Just as an FYI, we were told by Scalability Experts to skip AS 2000 and go to AS 2005 due to the amount of changes. I have also attended some...

  • RE: create table at run time. Please help!!!!

    To answer your question, you need to use DynamicSQL to create your table on the fly. Checkout sp_ExecuteSQL in books online. I would not recommend using this in a production...

  • RE: The Best Job

    I used to work for Diamond Comic Distributors in one of thier warehouses. That job was a blast. I got to work with my friends and my brother, was able...

  • RE: grouping with multiple columns

    I would alter the UDF slightly to avoid the cursor:


    SELECT @AllFood = Food + ',' + @AllFood

    From aisTable1 with(nolock)

    Where Name = @Name and Age = @Age


    RETURN LEFT(@AllFood,LEN(@AllFood)-1)


  • RE: Executing a task within a loop

    Another option is to:

    1.  use an activex script to grab the first file
    2. Assign the file path to a global variable
    3. Use an ExecuteSQL Task to insert the file path into your table...
  • RE: Database Testing

    It's a little difficult to do QA on a data warehouse without knowing the data. You will need to know the business rules for the ETL process and have access...

  • RE: CSV file format export and leading zeroes.

    Is the column that is being exported an integer? If so, try converting it to a varchar in the select statement and see if that helps.

    If you could post...


    I know this may sound like something stupid to check, but I know I have done this before.

    Is your source correct? I had an incident when I first put a...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Feb 2006

    If this is specific to SQL Server 2005, it should have been stated in the question. I answered 8000 because, that is what the limit is in SQL 2000. More...

  • RE: Customer Service

    Bravo Steve. I would have done the same thing. I believe he was experiencing the ID10T error.


  • RE: DTSX Package

    There are two approaches you can take.

    1) If you are not doing transformations on the data in question, use a data flow task with a straight copy of rows using a...

  • RE: How to Populate the Datawarehouse

    Within our system we restore the databases on a daily basis and merge data using an ETL process to grab the data we do not have yet. This is for...

  • RE: creating a data warehouse

    We also use DTS for our ETL solution and have found it is efficient for our needs. The price was right as well. if you are working on a budget,...

  • RE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - SQL Server 2005 Script

    I'll take a stab at it and say th script is not aware of the "AppleOutputBuffer" object as I see no reference to it within the code.


Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 207 total)