Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: inconsistently wrong query results

    Thanx paul.s.lach, makes sense.

    Some of my parameters are passed by an access front end and I hadn't realised that passing a date only parameter would result in an 00:00:000...

  • RE: inconsistently wrong query results


    the union all queries should look up the date as for example

    BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-01 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-31 23:59:59', 102)

    as the day ends 23:59:59 ... :blush:

  • RE: database mail problem

    I know, there's nothing wrong with my SQl. I have tracked down the problem. In the smtp server message queues, I had assumed that because my mail wasn't sitting in...

  • RE: database mail problem

    there is no error on the log, it just informs me that the database mail process started and then that it is shutting down again

  • RE: moving system databases

    I see, thanx for your help!

  • RE: moving system databases

    Mhmm, I don't think the main server could manage the extra workload sql would produce. Looks like I've entangled myself before I even started development. I think in that case,...

  • RE: moving system databases

    TS-terminal services, the server is underused - so we decided that we'd run sql on it, not being able to buy even a baby machine just running sql.

    MS seem...

  • RE: moving system databases

    I'm dealing with a new install, and we've been too click happy when installing. The instance is on our TS server, which doesn't have a good redundency (and only 40gb...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)