Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 10,141 through 10,144 (of 10,144 total)

  • RE: Get Error when using Execute command

    <<There is no way for to split the string I received to do what you write.>>

    There's always a way...

    DECLARE @STR AS VARCHAR(8000), @substr VARCHAR(500), @Statement CHAR(6), @EndPos INT
    SET @STR =...
  • RE: grouping without aggregates

    Hi Jeff

    We're on SQL2k here. Can't wait to play with CTE on the next contract though.

    Regarding matching on dates - good point. If an identity column is available, the same...

  • RE: Select And Count Consecutive Numbers


    Here's another way using Jeff's data (thanks Jeff)

    -- collect only the rows we're interested in

    SELECT IDENTITY (int, 1, 1) AS RowID, *, CAST(0 AS int)...

  • RE: grouping without aggregates

    Hi Chris

    This should do the trick.

    CREATE TABLE #MSG369550 (AccountDate DATETIME, parent CHAR(6), RecordCode CHAR(11), AccountName CHAR(5), Quantity INT)

    INSERT INTO #MSG369550 VALUES ('12/31/2002','PARENT','RECORDCODE1','ACCT1',10000)

    INSERT INTO #MSG369550 VALUES ('01/31/2003','PARENT','RECORDCODE1','ACCT1',12000)


Viewing 4 posts - 10,141 through 10,144 (of 10,144 total)