Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 9,991 through 10,005 (of 10,144 total)

  • RE: Transaction log backups are huge

    Hi Todd & Gail

    I'm looking into this now. Index rebuilds are 3am. It's an odd system, most columns are covered, and one of our accounts tables has 30m rows. Will...

  • RE: Need help with query

    This calculates daily totals for the last whole week, monday through saturday:

    DROP TABLE #ContactRoutingDetail


    CREATE TABLE #ContactRoutingDetail (queueTime INT, StartDateTime DATETIME)


    INSERT INTO #ContactRoutingDetail (queueTime, StartDateTime)

    SELECT 10, '2008-01-31 11:23:32.937' UNION ALL --...

  • RE: What is the advantage of telecommute?


    I grew up in the Highlands too and if I could find work up there which paid half as well as down here in London, I'd be back up there...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    Importing data into a live table isn't generally good practice unless it's a repetitive process and problems have been sorted on previous imports.

    Instead, import into a staging table, which...

  • RE: Dynamic SQL Not working


    Looks to me like the 2nd/3rd and 4th filter blocks are exactly the same - is this correct?

    It helps to see all of the code - I can see @AND...

  • RE: Dynamic SQL Not working


    You need to assign a value to the varchar variable @AND. Until you do, the value is NULL. Then read the following section in BOL: [SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL].

    You also need to...

  • RE: a subquery and tables with composite keys

    Try this:

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT em.statecode, COUNT(em.statecode) AS ct

    FROM employer em

    LEFT JOIN interview iv

    ON iv.companyname = em.companyname

    AND iv.division = em.division

    WHERE iv.companyname IS NULL

    GROUP BY em.statecode

    ORDER BY em.statecode[/font]


  • RE: Convert nvarchar to datetime


    Not really. From BOL:


    This setting is used only in the interpretation of character strings as they are converted to date values. It has no effect on the display of...

  • RE: Open / Save Excel

    Try this:

    [font="Courier New"]-- Make a new file from the template

    DECLARE @CMD VARCHAR (1000), @Dir VARCHAR(50), @Today VARCHAR(10), @Spreadsheet VARCHAR(100), @return_status int

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Output') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Output

    CREATE TABLE #Output (CopyResult...

  • RE: Problem with Dynamic SQL

    There's a nice tutorial for using sp_executesql with output parameters here[/url].



  • RE: Combining two records into one?

    Having posted the above, I'd like to point out that I really really really hate correlated subqueries because they are more often than not an indication that the author of...

  • RE: Combining two records into one?

    The OP states "When a problem happens associated with one of these tags, the alarm field changes from a 0 to a 1. When the problem is corrected, the machine...

  • RE: Help! I have an interview for a DBA job tomorrow !

    Well done Loner! Good luck on the day - and let us know how you get on!

  • RE: Crystal Reports XI and SQL Server 2k

    James A. Lawrence (12/19/2007)

    I wish you the best. Crystal is the reason I'm bald now!:doze:

    Haha I know what you mean! Most of the problems are now solved by using subreports,...

  • RE: Crystal Reports XI and SQL Server 2k

    Hi Damon

    Here's the current scenario: "Summary Profit & Loss - Consolidated" is a linked report; the main report picks up CompanyGroup and Fiscal Year from static lists. It also picks...

Viewing 15 posts - 9,991 through 10,005 (of 10,144 total)